Chapter 15: GURUDAKSHINA - 1
Chapter 15: GURUDAKSHINA - 1
The pandavas woke up and got ready for the day and went towards sabha kaksh as today was the day
the crown price would be announced, on their way they saw duryodhan giving a pose and the murtikar
was making his murti and when they went there they heard duryodhan saying "I stand besides my
mitra's and on the shoulders of the enemies", dusashaan added "bharatashree then you will have to
add six human statue", and ashwathama said "why humans it can be six animals as well", even karn
added "and from the six keep one of the animals a donkey with a bow in his hands", hearing karn
bheem was about to go towards them but yudhishthir stopped him and they went away not wanting any
It was really hard not to reply to those barking dogs but then I thought why be like them thought aadhya
and they all went in the sabha kaksh and aadhya sat besides sahadev. Soon everyone entered and
bhishma said "Everyone today's day is a new sunrise for the kuru samraj, and today I would like to talk
about an incident in today's good day as I can see my past.
"I remember how maharaj dritrarashtr, pandu and vidur would sit with me and study like it was
yesterday, one day I saw them playing a wonderful game where pandu and vidur climbed the tree's
highest branch and called out for their jesth and jumped down without any fear and trust towards their
jesth and dritrarashtr caught them and didn't let both of them fall, I stopped them and called pandu
towards me and asked "what kind of game are you playing, if you would fall there was a possibility of
you guys dying" and pandu smiled saying "tatshree my jesth bharata was there he wouldn't let us fall,
to which I said "your jesth bharata can only hear you guys and not see", to which pandu said "my jesth
bharata doesn't require eyes to see me and his love towards me is enough for him to see me", that day
these three kids, my students taught me a new lesson, the lesson of love and trust. And i'm sure
maharaj that the day pandu died he didn't ask yamaraj that who will I trust and leave my kids and come
with you and i'm telling you this with fully confidence that he wouldn't have asked this question as
jumping from the highest branch or dying your anuj only had reverence towards you only you".
When bishma finished saying this everyone had tears on their faces well accept those selfish brainless
humans who were just thinking about who will their pitashree announce as the crown prince after
hearing this story. Bishma said "now I can't say anymore maharaj, I just want to bless you and say may
god bless you and gives you prerana." Vidur got up and told dhritarashtr to make the announcement as
everyone is excited for that, dhritarashtr got up and said "everyone this is a very hard decision as I
wanted to make the best suitable person as the crown prince and the reason I kept the contest failed,
so as a king I have promised to walk on the path of dharma as what tatshree said was true I will make
the right decision".
Duryodhan got up and said "everyone is waiting for the announcement and we all know that you have
dharma in heart so make the decision which your heart thinks is right." Dhritarashtr was about to make
the announcement but a voice interrupted and the voice was drona's, he greeted dhritarashtr and
entered the sabha kaksh with ashwathama and asked dhritarashtr not to make any one of the prince's
the crown prince as they or aadhya haven't given the gurudakshina yet and shakuni tried to stop him as
he wanted duryodhan announced as the crown prince as anything can happen, when vidur asked
drona to ask for his gurudakshina shakuni told drona "but you will ask for such thing that only the one
you want will win", to which drona said "I take this as a insult gandhar raj as a guru never does partiality
and I doubt that all of them together wouldn't be able to give me what I want", and bhishma asked him
that what is he asking and drona replied "I want revenge from the panchal naresh of the insult he did, I
want him on my feet for the insult my mitra did in his raj sabha, as a enemy's insult can be taken but a
mitra's can't, and my shisya's I have lived in this fire of revenge in my heart and I took the oath that I
will only defeat him by the hands of my students so tell me who is willing to give me my gurudakshina,
have that samarth in you?"
Dhritararsht said "no guru drona this is to hard for them as panchal naresh is very strong and has a
great military power", drona replied "this is not a trade and it can't be change and if I couldn't give that
samarth in my shisya's then that's a taint on my teachings."
After saying all that I took the permission to leave and turned towards the exit and started walking but
two voices stopped me "wait gurudev" and aadhya said "every words you say is a order for us" and
arjun continued saying "we will give you the gurudakshina and I promise you that panchal naresh's
head will be at your feet or else my head in your hands" I turned and look them with admiration and
duryodhan said "arjun your promise will be fulfilled but with my hands", he turned towards his pitashree
and requested him to give the orders and every kurav shouted in union about giving them orders and
king dhritarashtr just nodded, and I took my leave satisfied with their answer.
I was on my way to the garden with the figures in my hands as me and bharata arjun were going
through war strategies and I met subhadra and we greeted each other a good morning and I asked
"where are you heading?", to which she said "going to the garden as I want to give this to prince arjun",
to which I acted shocked and said "so you like my bharata arjun I see and what is this? you wrote a
prem patra already!?", to which she blushed hard and tried to say something but I laughing said "look
at your face you are blushing so hard, I was just joking about that oh but I do think you like him I said
winking at her" and she hit me lightly saying "stop it princess aadhya, and where are you heading with noveldrama
the figures?", and I replied "princess? I thought we were sakhi's so it's better you stop calling me
princess and i'm going to bharata arjun as we are discussing war strategies and we needed more
figures s I went to get them", and she nodded head saying she will call me sakhi making me smile and
we both headed towards the garden.
I was about to go but I had a idea and told subhadra "sakhi you go I will join you I just forgot something
tell bharata arjun that", she just nodded and went towards him and I hid at a safe distance so I could
hear and see what they are doing. Seeing bharata arjun making her dance made me giggle and then I
heard their rest of the conversation, when sakhi turned disappointed about bharata arjun being ahead I
started walking towards her and told her "dont worry sakhi and just trust my bharata's samarth"and
walked away.
I went to bharata arjun and hit his head lightly saying "and what was the reason to make my sakhi
dance like that? and what did she handed you?", he placed his hand where I hit him and acted fake
hurt and said "she gave me this and told her bharata krishna has given this to me and he said to
"always keep this with me as it will help me", I saw what was it as curiosity took the best of me and saw
five stones and asking bharata if I can take them he nodded and I took the stones in my hands and saw
that one stone had only one gem and it other had three and I placed the one gem stone on the middle
and rest around it making feel like it's like the other four stones are looking at the one gemstones and
then I leave it there and me and bharata arjun started making strategies.
All my putra's and aadhya were standing in a line after they just took the blessings of god before going
and now I was going to give them blessings. I first did a tilak to sahadev, then nakul, then bheem, then
arjun, then aadhya and finally to yudhishthir and handed him the bowl and started filling the bowl with
dahi shakar and said "we should fill a bowl where it will be full and it doesn't spill anything", and
yudhishthir replied "trust us mata we will just use the samarth that satisfies gurudev and we will not use
our strength to hurt anyone in the battle field", I smiled proud and went to aadhya and was about to say
something but she started saying "I know what you are going to say mata, take care of yourself and
don't hurt yourself, but don't worry nothing will happen to me as my five bharatashree's are with me and
to be honest I will be the one taking care of them", and giggled making everyone shake their head and
smile at what she said and I smiled and put my hand on her cheek , she just took away my worries just
by doing this, she always knows what to say and I looked at everyone and said "vijayi bhava".
We took the blessings of our elders and climbed down the stairs and gurudev started talking "shisyo
this is the first war you are going to fight and all the education and your samarth won't be enough as
your enemy is my mitra drupad and he took the same education as you did from me and me or my
putra ashwathama won't come and join the war as my mitra told me if i'm so proud of my strength then
I should make such students that will defeat him and I accepted his challenge and you all have to honor
me in this fight so whoever is scared about this I free you from giving me the gurudakshina" and after
glancing at everyone he asked "is there anyone who doesn't believe in me or the education I provided
or who doesn't believe their own samarth?", to which we all replied "we believe in both gurudev", and
he told us to proceed and told the kurav's to wait and told them they can't go as they are taking angraj
with him who is not their student and how if he is the reason if we win or lose he is going to be the one
laughed at", we all proceeded leaving angraj there.
We sat on our horse's and started the journey and took a rest for the day as it was evening and all of us
sat there me, sahadev and aadhya were discussing strategies and nakul asked arjun "is the panchal
drupdap that deceptive that all of us together can't defeat him?", to which arjun said "the ones who
don't believe their eyes are ones whose vision can't be stopped by anyone and the biggest victory is to
be able to control our senses", and bheem said "be indrajeet like me sahadev, in life the one who
doesn't have any desires is the one no one can defeat" and nakul jokingly asked "will you have a ladoo
bharata bheem?", and bheem excitedly asked "ladoo?, you have ladoo then give me one fast!", and we
all laughed and aadhya said "so much for being a indrajeet bharata bheem" and I added "this is my
bhai who doesn't have any desire of sukh"and we all laughed and bheem kicked nakul in anger making
him fall down and said "I have took a oath to not eat ladoos and won't even think about them, I mean I
will think about them but not eat them till we defeat king drupad and make you the crown prince jesth."
Next morning I was far from everyone thinking about the stones and aadhya came asking me "still
thinking about the stones?", I replied a yes and gurudev came towards us we touched his feet and
pranaam him and he asked us "ready for the war?, you both aren't scared right as it is your fight ", to
which we both said "of course we are ready and don't you believe us gurudev?", to which he said "I
can't believe anyone else except you both", and asked what's in my hands and I said "it's a riddle i'm
try to solve "he nodded and looked at aadhya and said "some one is very excited for this", and aadhya
said "how can I not be, i'm giving you my gurudakshina and will be able to prove my samarth to
everyone", listening to this he patted aadhya's head and we went towards others.
After talking to my both priye shisya and seeing how they are confident makes me feel proud at how
they are my students and how they trust me and my given education, we walked towards yudhishthir
and the others they pranam me and I told "vijayi bhava" and put a hand on yudhishthir's shoulder and
said "putra you have a big responsibility on your shoulders as you are the jesth, you will have the credit
of both victory or the lose", to which he said "the win of war or rajniti goes to everyone but the
bitterness of losing goes to the king, and if we win and are able to give you the gurudakshina then it will
be the win of all your one hundred and six shisya's".
Duryodhan came fought with me and pandavas saying that if we win then yudhishthir will became the
crown prince so there is no meaning in fighting as i'm sure this wasn't the fight between us and king
drupad but between all of us, answer my question gurudev while saying this didn't you know you will be
partial towards yudhishthir?" to which I said "I wasn't the one to turn my gurudakshina into a contest of
knowing the suitable prince so please ask this to your pitashree", and he said "everyone has used my
pitashree in the name of dharma but I don't want to discuss that, and I came here to tell you that only
kurav's will fight and you six won't fight as I don't need your help especially from a girl".
Bheem opposed saying that they won't have a change to prove them self and duryodhan said "that I
don't care as I don't want you guys to take the credit of my anuj's hard work" but arjun said "everyone
has the right to give gurudakshina", and aadhya continued "and we are gurudev's shisya as well did
you forget that bharata duryodhan?", but yudhishthir stopped them and said "it's no use fighting on the
border of panchal as we will be laughed at so I will give you the chance of attacking first, vijay bhava",
and the kuru's went away.
I was glad that jesth made such a decision as it feels right, bharata arjun asked jesth "why would you
do that,? and bharata bheem said "if we don't have the chance to fight we won't have a chance to
prove ourselves jesth", and nakul said "sahadev you say something, why are you so quiet" and I
replied "the decision made by jesth feels right so don't worry", and we just kept a watch over the
kurav's activity.
Soon all kauravas were trapped and pandavas made their move. On reaching there yudhishthir gave
them orders and told arjun "you be in the front as you and aadhya know how to break the chakravyuh"
and aadhya "assist arjun as you have the knowledge of chakravyuh too", they said "jo aagya jesth" and
all started moving.
After the order given by jesth we all took the move and I told jesth "we should move from the west and
not move in the center and aadhya told everyone "bharatashree's don't enter from where you see
openings as it is a way to trap us", and then we went towards the west and bharata bheem said "how
can we enter from here? there is no way as the soldiers are blocking us", I shoot a arrow towards them
making them fall from the attack and we all entered.
As we entered the soldiers came towards us attacking but we blocked their every attack with ease and
we went different ways and they blocked us so we don't be together and they defeat us easily.
As soon as I went in a different direction they blocked my way to move out and some soldiers came to
attack me so I jumped down from my horse and attacked them and they fell in a few attacks and more
came towards me and I said "more soldiers? come come let me defeat you as well, but before they
came any forward I hit my gada making a hole where they were standing and they fell in, and I fought
the reaming soldiers and shouted saying "if I knew you were so many I would have eaten more, now
after the war I don't even know how much I will have to eat!!! and threw the gada of one of them and
attacked him.
When I entered, they block the way out so I told my horse "mitra these soldiers are my enemies but the
horses they are riding are my mitra's so please tell them to make a way, that way I defeated half of
them then started fighting the ones who weren't riding any horse with my sword and while doing that I
thought how the others are doing and giggled telling them I'm sure bharata bheem is enjoying this then
again after defeating them I moved with my mitra and he made the way for me and I went towards
bharata bheem.
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