I woke up the next morning and got ready fast as we had to leave for dwarka, after doing what I daily
do I went to meet pitamah as we haven't had a good talk since we came back so I went to his room
and told the guard to ask my permission to enter.
I entered in his room and gave him greetings and said "pranaam pitamah", and he said "aadhya come
come" and I just went to him smiling saying "I came to meet you as I'm leaving for dwarka and we
haven't talked properly since I came back, so would you mind sending time with your lovely
granddaughter", he laughed and said "of course why wouldn't I like to spend time with you putri, being
with you always make me feel peace, come sit let's talk", I nodded and sat on the opposite chair and
we just caught up on each other and then I told him "pitamah when I come back, let's steal bharata
bheem's ladoos and if you are with me he won't shout at me "I said giggling and he laughed saying
"well sure why not I would like to do that once more" and then I said "I should take my leave as I'm sure
I have bored you enough and we should be leaving", hearing that he just let ut a small chuckle and I
started to leave but I turned around and asked.
"Pitamah, you are proud of what I have become right? I didn't disappoint did I?", he stood up and came
towards me and kept a hand on my shoulders and said "you have made me more then proud putri, and
seeing how fine warrior you have become we are glad we sent you there", I smiled and said "i'm glad I
made you proud", we were interrupted by bharata arjun saying "pranaam pitamah, I came to take your
blessings as we are leaving for dwarka but I see aadhya was before me and aadhya if you are done
saying goodbye or planning to steal the ladoos from bharata bheem shall we go?" and we chuckled at
that and me and bharata arjun took our leave.
On the way we met kakishree so we gave her our greetings and I said "kakishree when I come back I
want to eat the ladoos and kheer made by you and don't forget to make me a extra one ladoo like you
always do!!", she laughed and said "why not putri, go safely and come back fast when you come back
your favorite ladoos and kheer will be ready" I smiled at what she said and we took our leave then went
to mata's room and gave her greetings and then I went towards her and said "mata you know I met
pitamah and even talked with him it felt so nice! and then we met kakishree on our way and she
promised me that she will keep my favorite ladoos and kheer ready and" - I was cut by bharata arjun
saying "tell her about this when we return we have to say goodbye to bharatashree's and anuj's too", I
just pouted and nodded then we took her blessings for the journey and after hugging her we went to
bharatashree's room.
"Good morning bharatashree's!!!, I hope you slept well since I didn't wake you up this time" I said
giggling and bharata nakul said "well we were having a good morning till you entered", "very funny
bharata nakul, I know you are just trying not to show your jealousy that I will be away from you guys
and bharata arjun still get to spend time with me" I replied and then bharata bheem said "dream on we
are happy that you are going we will have peace for few days" after bharata bheem said that everyone
laughed and bharata arjun add "well I will be the unlucky one to still be with her" and they laughed
more I pouted angrily and said "well i'm sure bharata bheem is happy as he won't have to share his
ladoos with me but you guys will be lonely for sure!, right jesth bharata?", I questioned him purposely
as I knew he won't lie and he stood there for a second thinking what to reply and then said "well I won't
say that we won't have peace when you are away"- I cut him saying "even you jesth bharata!!! no one
loves me anymore", but he said "listen to the whole thing first, well we will have peace but we all are
going to miss you very much!"
"Haha!! see my priye bharatashree's, jesth bharata told the truth, you can't win from me" I said standing
with a proud pose and continued "well we will take our leave as we might have been late, so pranaam
bharatashree's don't miss me too much" but bharata sahadev said "we won't let you leave without a
bone crushing hug!!" and we all hugged and I finally said "I will miss you guys as well" after the hug
jesth bharata said "arjun take care of aadhya and princess subhadra as they are your responsibility and
be safe as well" bharata arjun just nodded and I said "well the department of taking care of you guys
belongs to me!, so don't worry I will take care of them!" making them chuckle and jesth patted my head
and said "take care of yourself" nodding to him me and bharata arjun took our leave.
After saying the good bye's and everyone telling subhara to come back whenever she wanted arjun,
subhadra and aadhya started their journey towards dwarka and aadhya and subhadra bonded more
and that's how their journey for a few days went. They took a stop for the day and aadhya told arjun
she will go get more wood and went in search of that. Arjun told subhadra to wash her hands as they
will soon have food and subhadra asked arjun "you sent aadhya alone to get woods? what if kalyawan
is here won't it be dangerous, as bharata krishna has told me that he is very strong and he doesn't die
from any weapons and very scary looking with yellow hair", and arjun told her "don't worry about
aadhya she will be fine she can handle a fight and your bharata krishna sure tells interesting stories''
and giggled causing subhadra to be angry and say "I won't hear you making fun of my bharata, I can
go to dwarka alone", and went away.
I returned from bringing more woods I see my sakhi going away little angry, I went to bharata arjun and
kept the wood down asking him what happened and he said "nothing, I was just joking and made fun of
her bharata to make her fear less of kalyawan, but she didn't like it and went away upset", I sighed and
said "bharata you were wrong any sister would be angry about their bharata being made fun off, i'm
going behind her as it is not safe to leave her alone, but once i'm back with her you better apologize",
saying this I went towards sakhi.
I screamed her name in the hope of finding her but I saw she was being held by a guy which I was sure
is kalyawan, I ran towards them and said "kalyawan you better leave my sakhi alone and fight me", he
said "you are not krishna and I was told that if I try to hurt his sister he will come to save her, that's the
only way I can kill him", I got angry and said "don't try to hurt someone innocent for just a mere
revenge, if you want to hurt sakhi fight me first" and I went to attack him causing him to leave sakhi and
started I fighting him with strength as I didn't want him to have time to react and didn't want him to use
sakhi as a bait and I told sakhi "go to bharata arjun you will be safe and tell bharata about this, go!!! I
will come in a few minutes", but she stood still probably scared about this and I called her "sakhi!!!
sakhi!!! get it together, go fast", but she panicked and just started calling bharata's name.
While fighting kalyawan he told me to stop as there is still time to get out of his way and leave my sakhi
alone but I said "never going to happen and focus on fighting", saying this I attacked his stomach but
he dodged and counter attacked me causing me to move backwards, I was about to attack him again
but three arrows hit him causing him fall down, I turned and told "well that's not fair I was getting in the
good part you know bharata arjun", he just shook his head and turn to ask subhadra if she was okay,
she just nodded and we started returning back to our camp, oblivious about the fact that kalyawan is
not dead.
I went to my sakhi and said "don't be scared it's all over now, you are safe", she just gave a small smile
and nodded, I was keeping my sword in its scabbard but when I looked behind sakhi just disappeared
making me and bharata arjun shocked about what's going on but we heard sakhi's scream about
asking help, we ran towards the direction of the voice and saw that kalyawan threw sakhi into the water
making me and bharata ran towards her to save her but I saw kalyawan trying to stop bharata arjun
who was ahead of me by throwing his axe towards bharata I ran faster to save bharata but I reached a
little late causing the axe to make a small cut on my hand, I ignored it and went towards kalayawan and
started attacking him but he dodged few of my attacks then I bent down kicking his leg making him fall
down and stabbed my sword on his chest knocking him out knowing I brought us some time I ran
towards bharata and sakhi to help them.
She is hurt. I can feel it, I better go before things get worse as kalyawan won't get hurt but she can get
more hurt. I went to help subhadre and arjun out of the water and after that I can end kalyawan's story
I jumped from the cliff to help subhadra and held her hand so we stay together but after falling inside
the water I lost the grip on her hand, I swam towards her to hold her but suddenly the water started to
split and made way for us, I looked up to see a man standing and seeing him subhadra ran towards
him smiling making it confirm that he was vasudev and I followed behind and we climbed the cliff and I
turned to see the water was getting back how it was before making me confused but I turned when I
heard vasudev asking subhadra how she was, that made me remember about aadhya.
I was about to go towards the cliff we fell from but I saw aadhya running towards us and she asked "oh
bharata arjun and sakhi you guys are safe thank god, I brought us some time by knocking kalyawan out
so let's plan on how to kill him or let's go away before he finds us", but I saw the wound on her hand
and asked how it happen and she replied "oh this? this is nothing, it happened when I was fighting
kalyawan and - she was interrupted by vasudev saying "fighting kalyawan or trying to protect your
I looked at her but saw her glaring at vasudev like saying he didn't have to know this, but I said "oh
don't look at him like that, he did a right thing telling this and what were you saying it's nothing? look at
your hand your palm is almost covered with blood, you should have been more careful I can already
see how jesth bharata is going to be disappointed and sad as I had to take care of you and bharata
bheem breaking my hand and nakul and sahadev little angry and not missing a chance to tease me
about this! and mata she will be so disappointed with me that I couldn't take care of you and - I was
also cut by vasudev who said "parth calm down it's just a cut and her hand didn't rip of so you should" -
I cut him off by glaring at him but the he said "that's what aadhya wanted to say, right aadhya?"
HAHAHA!!!! serves him right!, he shouldn't have told him that and now he has to deal with the
overprotective side of bharata, but me being a nice human will save him and I said "yeah bharata stop
worrying and no one is going to say anything plus this will heal and let's not forget the real problem
here kalyawan, I brought us some time by knocking him out so let's figure a plan about how to kill him",
they now realized that they forgot about him like seriously? but then vasudev said "kal means death
and when is there a time when death is not approaching us we should never fear death, plus we should
always make time to talk to our loved one's"
Saying this he started a conversation with sakhi saying "you even forgot about your two bharata so I
thought you already married someone there and tell me how are you sukh mai toh ho? you are my
yogmaya I missed you so much without you even food doesn't taste good", to which subhadra replied
"bharatashree!!! and blushed then said how can I be in sukh I was scared about kalyawan and was
worried about you" to which vasudev replied "whenever something worries you should always think,
which is always beneficial for us and why be worried when great warrior like arjun and aadhya with
you" me and bharata smiled and what vasudev said.
A voice came from behind "krishna!!, no one can protect you from this kalyawan", me and bharata arjun
got ready for action and bharata shoot a arrow at kalyawan but to our surprise vasudev continued
talking with sakhi asking her "how is bua subhadre, I miss her and I want to touch her feet and take her
blessings", is he even serious about this situation? I asked myself and I replied "you should be alive to
do so" and bharata continued saying "yeah prepare your weapons vasudev" to which vasudev replied
"he won't die with any of our weapons he can only die with tapasvee's yog angi" and we both asked
"then what should we do?" and he "we will run" with a playful smile and we all started to run.
After telling them to run I went ahead of them, I went in a different direction so I could finally let
kalyawan meet his kal and do what's written in the destiny. I took kalyawan to the cave which was very
easy for me as I just had to provoke him and he followed me where maharishi mushkunt was and he
woke him up thinking it was me and kalyawan was burnt by the agni of the tapasya of maharishi
mushkunt, I greeted him and he asked me who the guy burnt with his agni for no reason was, I just said
I guess it was his destiny to die like that and i'm grateful to meet you I was always impressed by your
stories and now you can continue your tapasya again.
I went out to see arjun, aadhya and subhadre come towards me and I asked arjun and my aadhya
about how are they and they greeted me saying "pranaam vasudev" and I looked at aadhya and just
nodded with a smile then looked at arjun saying "nah no pranaam, your place is at my heart and
hugged him", while hugging I glanced at aadhya and saw she was smiling at the friendship that was
just made.
I was happy at how bharata arjun and krishna were friends and then we just talked and he said how he
heard about our great stories of contest and defeating king drupad and bharata arjun told him "we were
able to win because of the stones you sent as from those stone I could figure out who was the real king noveldrama
drupad", but vasudev said "oh wow! you took out such a great meaning from those stones, I just sent it
because it reminded me of you five bharata" then they talked a little more and vasudev invited us to
dwarka as he wanted to know us more and talk.
We returned to the camp we made and I told them I will just wash my wound and come, I washed my
hands and got up but when I turned I see vasudev standing there behind me with a cloth and he came
near me saying "mind if I treat your wound?", I just nodded a yes saying I don't mind and he started
tying the cloth on my hand and said "I had heard a lot about your fighting skills and the support you
give to your bharata's in the battle field and today seeing that myself made me very pleased and it was
a sight to remember", I looked up to see vasudev was already looking at me, his eyes!!, there was
something in his eyes that made me stare at it, they had this pureness which would attract anyone
towards them, but then I snapped out of it and smiled saying "well i'm glad people are talking about my
support towards them as I learned this to be their shield in the battle field, and I think we should get
going", he just nodded and we just started walking back with a comfortable silence.
We went back and started to eat food!!! how much I missed you do you know it my lovely food? sorry to
keep you waiting but here i'm. We started eating and I thought about the day till now, I got a chance to
talk to vasudev who I wanted to talk to, then got to scold bharata arjun and even saw his overprotective
side at the same day and just smiled at how this happened in a day and bharata arjun caught me and
said "I know what you are showing this smile for, stop before I hit you", I just showed my tongue and
We finally met priye, you are so close to me I feel like i'm on cloud nine, even I'm glad to meet you, I
held your hand today even though it was for treating your wound I felt complete holding it plus the way
you just stared at my eyes and were lost in it, and the way you glared at me for telling parth the truth
and then laughed in your head and enjoyed when parth glared at me and how you are looking at your
food with love makes me want to hold you in my arms, you showing your tongue and teasing parth and
enjoying little things I love how you are able to enjoy these little things priye that's what I love about you
the most, soon you will laugh with me and be in my arms I can't wait for that day. I smiled waiting for
that day.
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