Alpha's Blind Luna

Chapter 104

We didn't say anything else for a while. My eyes closed and I rested my cheek on her head, reveling in the dance that were the sparks between us. Goddess, comparing me to Logan was a knife that continued to dig further into my heart. Rydere had been right and deep down I knew it. I just couldn't stop hating myself. For what I did. For how weak I was. Everything I did to her.

"Hector, I never hated you. Not once. Even when you left. I felt you struggling because you never brought your walls up when you were with me." Auri nuzzled further into my chest. “But can you stop hating yourself? Can you forgive yourself? Can you move on?"

I lifted my cheek from her head and pressed my lips back down. "I don't know, Auri. I hate..."

She shook her head against me, cutting me off. "No. Stop hating. I don't regret it. If I had to do it over again, Hector...if the Moon Goddess sent me back in time right before I swapped places with Ezekiel, knowing the outcome, I would do it all again."

Auri stepped back and immediately I missed her. Her eyes found mine and could see the pain and anger that I couldn't feel through our bond. "If you can't come up that conclusion either, then tomorrow you and Morgan can leave. I don't need you. I don't need someone who regrets being my mate. Regrets all the time we had together."

"I don't...!"

"But you do. You hate it. You hate everything about it." She stepped back a couple more steps as I tried to reach out to her. "The twins, make sure to spend some time with them. You can...put them to bed if you want. Osiris is the eldest. His nickname is Sir cause he's the thinker and planner. Bast is the fighter. She's strong and she protects her brother. The two of them will be a force together."

She started to turn but I grabbed her wrist. Auri froze as my hand held hers. "You named them after Egyptian gods?"

Chuckling, she nodded. "Your father came over from Egypt right? He took your mom's name when they mated. I thought..."

"Thank you, Auri. It feels've honored my Dad. After what I still...”

Auri just nodded. She tore out of my grip and I watched her head into the house. "It is 8:30 p.m. and all of you guys better be in bed with your teeth brushed before I get up there or you know the consequences."

Suddenly, there was a rush of movement and squealing in the house. It brought a smile to my face. Turning, I grabbed my duffle out of the car and headed in. Morgan was sitting in the parlor reading a newspaper with a steaming mug in his hand. Auri was loudly and slowly making her way up the stairs. Allowing time for everyone to brush and get to bed. I headed up the stairs after her.

"The twins room is the third on the right."

Auri turned to the first door and knocked. Kids thundered through the hallway and into their rooms, slamming the doors. I tried to keep from laughing but Rydere was chuckling.

'She keeps a tight ship.'

I nodded. 'Has to for having nine kids and one of her.'

I opened up the door and peaked in. Osiris and Bast had a single bed they were sharing. There was enough room for two but as I peered in, they were curled up next to each other. A smile came to my face as I realized they probably chose to sleep in the same bed like Reagan and Rowan. I wondered if they begged Auri when they switched to their little toddler bed like Reagan and Rowan had. A pain shot through my lungs, every time I took a breath. I had been there for Vale and Ezekiel's pups but all the while, my own pups were growing up without a father.

Pulling up the blankets, I covered their little bodies and sat at the edge of the bed. Osiris shifted and his eyes opened to look at me.

"You're our dad, right?"

My eyes widened but Rydere just sighed. 'Wolves know their family, Hector. Don't be so surprised. You're the only one with your head up your ass.' I nodded. “I am. I'm sorry I wasn't around."

"We had Mommy. She missed you though." Bast didn't open her eyes but she answered as she shifted her position. "Don't hurt Mommy."

I smiled and brushed some hair out of their faces as they curled up in the bed, Auri sticking to the tradition of my family by not cutting their hair. "I'm going to try not to. Goodnight you two." Standing up, I walked over to the door and turned out the light. A night light was shining in the far corner, making it look like stars were filling the room.

Osiris looked me for a moment before closing his eyes. "We are a family. All of us. You can't just accept us and not them."

My body froze for a second before shutting the door behind me. Auri was making her way into the last room in the hallways and I headed down the stairs. Sitting on the couch, Morgan was still reading through the paper. Rubbing my face with my hands, suddenly I felt my age. Not body-wise but mentally.

"A lot to take in?"

I chuckled at Morgan. "You're an ass for doing this. A complete asshat."

Morgan laughed and turned the page. "I've been called worse by people closer. You needed to see her and she had the answers you wanted. Right?" Sighing, I nodded. "Yeah. She did. But at the same time...there is so much more here. How am I supposed to take this all in? Did you know...the twins...?"

He folded the paper and set it down

on the table next to the chair. "Of course I did, Hector. There were multiple times I tried to talk to you too. But after a while Auri asked me to stop trying. You weren't ready for her, let alone ready for them. It's not just them though. All of them call her some variation of Mom. She's adopted all of them. Pipsqueak did all the paperwork. Changed her name to Estel Storm. So all the kids last names are Storm. She has her own life here now."

"But Vale and Logan and the Golden Moon pack..."

Morgan shook his head. "This is her pack now, Hector. She has alliances with the local fey and werewolves. Even the vampires in the city. Vale took over as he was meant to with Golden Moon."

"You mean Ezekiel. Vale hasn't done shit. He spends most of his time trying to work through the tentative peace treaty he has set up with the other leaders."

"Is he not home now that the treaty has been signed?" Auri walked down the stairs and into the parlor. She sat on the couch next to me but not touching me. My hands itched to pull her close, to hold her tight and never let her go again.

"Vale is jumping from pack to pack, making sure that the Alphas are abiding by the laws set. He's making sure everyone is following his rules and are being punished if they don't. As well as ensuring the other races aren't acting up around the packs." I nearly growled out the last part.

"You don't seem happy about it." Auri in was more of an observation than a question.

My head turned to her and for a moment I got lost in her eyes. Eyes that were so familiar and yet not. They still were the window to her soul, her feelings that she could hide in her features couldn't be hidden in her eyes.

"He's taken up the mantel as Alpha King, much like the kings before. I know you and Logan were the outliers when it came to ruling but I'm not sure if this is any better. While the leaders are all signed up for this, that doesn't mean all the individuals are. It seems like there is a chance for too many gaps. Too many issues like the BloodHunter Coven basically given free reign because the Vampire King won't do anything about it."

She sighed. "He's the Alpha King.

The wolves should listen to him. At the very least this was a step in the right direction I think. But you're right. It leaves much to be desiredan the way of reigning in their subjects. Uriel does a very good job just because the fey are very ingrained in their ways and that their king is damn near a god. The vampire king though, as well as the witches...let's just say they are less inclined to step in when an issue arrises with one of their own."

"He's trying to stop the war by taking control of the werewolves as king. I can see how he thinks this will work but he's relying too much on the words of the other leaders. He's put all his faith into their agreement. We are already starting to see some issue with the vampire king currently. Not that Vale has noticed." Morgan leaned forward, his hands clasp together. "Auri, you've been out of the game too long."

Auri growled at him. "I'm not getting back in this stupid game, Morgan. Oran was right. No matter what, the BloodHunter Coven built me, molded me. My past has dictated who I am today and as much as I tried to live freely...that fact isn't going to change. Taking myself out, retiring completely, taking care of my kids, that's what matters."

"I get that, Princess. But you have four other children..."

"That are grown ass adults! Who aren't dealing with being multiple supernatural beings. Who aren't struggling through this world alone and scared. I raised them, Logan and I did. And now they are old enough to make their own decisions."

I finally reached out and pulled Auri

to me. Both my arms wrapped around her shoulders and I let her head rest on me. "Auri, that's the problem. They do need you. Your kiddos have lost their way. They won't listen to anyone anymore Won't listen to reason or see the


hotes in how they are moving forward." I kissed her head, feeling her relax a little in my arms. "I know you're scared. I was there when Oran explained all that they had built you to be. But that doesn't have to define you. It also doesn't need to force you underground."

"King Killer, Hector. Do they expect me to kill my own son?" Her voice was small.

Shaking my head, I looked at Morgan who had concern written on his face. "No, they don't. Auri, you are to pass judgement on the kings of our world. That is what they wanted you to be. Could you kill a king? Absolutely. But there is more to it. There is wisdom and council and ways to help a king straying from the path. Sure, they may try and label you as a king killer. It doesn't make you that. They aren't puppeteering you. You're free now."

Motioning to the room, I continued. "Look at what you have built. The love and care you pour into this place...into those kids. It's not what they would have wanted or expected. To keep that love of supernaturals but here you are. Actually becoming the best and most apt person to help kings in the


"He's right, Princess. Running away from the world won't stick it to them or save you. They are still out there. Vale is thinking the war is over when we are already starting to see cracks in the promises made. He needs someone he can trust.” Morgan added.noveldrama

Auri snorted. "As he puts out a bounty on my head. Sure."

"I mean, you killed his trusted advisor and a High Councilor member." Morgan leaned back, stating it very matter-of-factly.

"He knew it was coming as soon as I was free." She threw back at him.

Morgan paused for a moment. "Mark was one of them...wasn't he?"

"He was the one who broke my connection with Logan, Papa. He was the one that reached into me and severed all ties at the behest of Oran. He's been feeding them information and working with them this whole time. He took my connection, so I took his life.” Auri grumbled. “I just...was lucky enough that someone loves me more." Her eyes met mine and I smiled.

Rydere stepped forward and he brushed her cheek with the back of our hand. "As long as you will have me, have us, my love, we will be by your side. Forever and a day."

She smiled at us and laid her head down on our chest. Rydere, leaning back into the couch, reveled in the electricity. After a moment, I felt a flood of emotions; her emotions. She let down her walls for me and I let Rydere comb our fingers through her hair while I sorted through them.

There was so much to them. Fear, worry, elation, sadness, confusion, determination, love...only to name a few. My own emotions were an open book to her since I never learned how to raise my walls but this brought me a level of happiness and contentment to know how she was feeling.

"I need to head to bed. There are four guest rooms down the hall. Choose any one. Papa already has his at the very end. If you need anything, I'm

the first door here.” Auri pointed to the hall behind the stairs. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Princess."

"Goodnight, mate."

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