Bedmates Soulmates


She's Just A Pawn

'No, of course not!' she said in a hurry. "It's just that you must have a busy schedule. If I waste any more of your time, I'd feel guilty..."

"Relax, I was just teasing you. You don't have to be so anxious. He flashed another smile at her.

Kira returned the gesture with a smile of her own, though it was somewhat strained. 'How can I not be anxious? You're the president of Revency. You're in charge of hundreds of employees. There must be meetings to attend, business deals to negotiate. I don't want to be in the way. If it's all right with you, I would like to go see my father now."

Liam nodded.

'Goodbye, and have a good day. Thank you, Mr Cane."


Liam watched her walk away.

Still calling him Mr Cane, huh?

Kayleigh was right.

The girl was one tough nut to crack.

"Ah, that infallible charm of yours seems to have missed its mark this time. She doesn't seem to be enchanted by your pretty face. Are you sure you can make her fall for you?"

Liam turned back to face the speaker. "Sean, why are you still here?"

They'd come to the hospital together.

When Liam spotted Kira, he sent Sean away.

That was almost an hour ago.

'What kind of question is that? I stayed back because I care about you, my friend."

Sean stroked his smooth chin, his eyes gleaming with glee. 'So? It's been almost a week since your first contact with her. How's your progress? Have you slept with her yet? How is she in bed?" 'Sean Santoro!' Liam looked daggers at the man. "Watch your mouth!"

His self-styled friend took a step backwards. 'What? I can't even crack a joke about her?"

Liam sneered. 'No, you can't. I told you to stay out of my business."

"Stay out of your business, Sean raised an eyebrow, 'or stay away from her?"

He scrutinised Liam's face. 'Come on, don't tell me you're taking this seriously. Have you got the hots for her? Why are you defending her like this?'

The look on Liam's face was sphinx-like. I'm not defending her. She's nothing but a pawn."

'Good to know." Sean crossed his arms. 'As your business partner, I sincerely hope you're not going to fall Into your own trap. I don't want to be left holding the bag."

Liam started walking away. "Mind your own business."

10 pm.


Club Kyo.

The girl sitting beside Austyn was young and lovely.

She had a timid look on her face as she stole furtive glances at her patron.

It reminded him of Kira.

But if Kira were a Dutch bunny, this girl was a meerkat

She was sitting rigidly and wringing her hands, ready to bolt at the first sign of danger.noveldrama

Austyn examined her face. 'How old are you?"

What she wore could barely be called a dress.

It was just a few pieces of flimsy blue fabric held together with noodle-thin straps and a blingy belt.

She had on pale foundation.

False eyelashes, blue contact lenses and thick eyeliner made her eyes look like Barbie's.

Her hair was curled and dyed wine red.

Despite her mature, sultry look, the girl startled easily.

She jumper

Austyn directed the question at her.

The girl stammered. Tw...twenty."

'You're not in school?

'I am, but it's summer break now. I'm working part-time."

"Why choose to work instead of taking a holiday?"

"I, ah, my family is not well-to-do. I have to pay my own way through college. I work whenever I have the time."

"Why this place?'

The girl blushed and turned away. The pay's...the pay's quite good here. The manager lets us keep most of our tips. Sometimes we'd get lucky and run into a generous patron." Austyn was suddenly reminded of Elsie's words.

The housekeeper told him Kira always paid her own tuition fees and never asked for an allowance.

She was but twenty-one.

Tuition, books, food, clothing, transport, not to mention all the other million things girls her unable to do without.

Before joining the M Group, what job did she have to take to earn her bread?

Did she also have to dress herself up as a baby doll at one of these gentlemen's clubs?



Austyn clenched his jaw at the thought of some lecherous man leering, teasing, or worse, groping the twenty-one-year-old.

The hostess, trained to read her patrons, sensed the man was getting worked up.

She tensed and had a sudden urge to bite her nails.

But the manager had scolded her repeatedly for that and ordered her not to do it in front of a patron.

She's Act A Pawn

She didn't know what she'd said or done to offend the man, but it was her responsibility to show her patron a good time.

the end, she decided to emulate the other hostesses.

The girl picked up a glass from the low table and leaned into him, whispering, 'Sir, let me-

"Don't move," Austyn commanded. 'Sit still. Be quiet.'

The girl reared back as if she'd been slapped.

Her face had gone pale.

Without a word, she set down the glass, retreated to her seat, and sat with her hands on her knees and her back ramrod straight.

Jesse, sitting on another sofa with a girl on his lap, rolled his eyes.

The door was pushed open.

Luca walked in.

He shook his head at the sight of Jesse sharing a tequila shot with a hostess, mouth-to-mouth style.

I'm surprised your wife allowed you to come out tonight. Did you have to submit a written request? Jesse saw that look, and fired back with a dig at his friend.

Isabel thumbed her nose at establishments like this.

Gentlemen's clubs were just fancied-up brothels, in her view.

She would blow a fuse if she knew Luca was here.

The police captain booted Jesse on his shin before pointing to Austyn. "Why's he in a corner, drinking alone?

'Don't know.' Jesse shrugged. 'He was having a nice chat with the hostess a minute ago. I was busy sharing a drink with my lady friend here. The next thing I know, he's sulking by himself. Judging by that deep frown line, I'd say something's bothering him." "I bet I know what it is."


Luca glanced at Austyn, who didn't seem to notice he'd come in.

He whispered, "What's the date three days from now?'

'Thursday. So?"

Luca wanted to knock the glass out of Jesse's hand. 'How many drinks have you had? Are you that bombed? ""What?"

Luca hissed, "Deborah."

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