Bedmates Soulmates


She's Not Home

"Keep trying her number,' Austyn said as he started for the door. I'm coming back right now." "Okay." Elsie heaved a sigh.

Austyn walked through the front door of the villa at midnight.

He'd had quite a few and had to call a valet to drive him back.

Club Kyo was almost all the way across town.

It didn't help matters that the driver was a stickler for traffic rules.

He refused to 'step on it' when Austyn ordered him to. I could lose my license, sir!

Elsie updated Austyn every ten minutes.

She couldn't get through to Kira.

Austyn scanned the shoe rack.

Kira's well-worn sneakers were not there.

Elsie appeared as soon as Austyn came into the living room. 'Still no news."

She was wringing her hands. 'Should we call the police?

Austyn shook his head. 'She's an adult. And she's not missing. She's just coming back late."

"Is she coming back at all? The last bus to this area left an hour ago."

"She could take a cab,' Austyn said, though he knew the odds of that happening were slim to none.

The woman watched her pennies like a possessive dragon guarding its treasure.

If she planned on coming back, she would've made sure she caught the last bus.

Which meant she was staying out all night.

Austyn yanked on his tie, which had suddenly gotten too tight.

'But it's so unlike her. the housekeeper fretted.

'She's an adult. She's perfectly capable of taking care of herself. If she wants to stay out for the entire night, it's her choice." 'She could've at least called me...".

"I'll handle this,' Austyn said brusquely. 'You should go and get some rest

"Will you keep trying her phone?

'Good night, Elsie." Austyn was already on the stairs.

The housekeeper could only stare at her young master's back.

A minute later, she went to her own room.

Mr McCarthy knew what he was doing.

If he said he would handle it, he would.

Austyn massaged his temples.

The alcohol had gone to his head.

He sank deeper into the sofa in the bedroom and closed his eyes

The lights were dimmed.

In the garden downstairs, all was quiet.

The nighttime critters had gone to bed.

Cowslip creepers released their soporific fragrance.

Austyn drifted off.

Suddenly, his eyes snapped open.

He jerked the phone from his pocket and stabbed at the screen, making a call.

'Call Kira's friends. Find out if she's with them."

Kal received this instruction from his boss without preamble.

'W...what?' The assistant was still groggy, having been rudely jolted out of sleep by the special ringtone he set for his boss.

Call Kira's friends,' Austyn said brusquely. 'Find out if she's with them."

Kai rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and switched to work mode. 'Yes, Boss. I'm on it."

Austyn hung up.

Ten minutes later, Kal called back. 'Boss, I called Miss Mills. She says Young Madam is not with her." Giana, concerned, asked Kai what was going on.

The assistant had to give a lame excuse.

The truth was, he had no idea, either.

Austyn drummed a finger on his knee.

If she was not with Giana, where else could she go?

'Noted." He ended the call, got up and headed into the bathroom.

Halfway through the shower, Austyn switched it off and reached for his phone again.

He called Kira's number.

'Sorry, the number you have dialled is unavailable. Please try again later?

Austyn flung his phone onto the sofa.

He fell into-bed, lying on his back.

The pillow smelled floral.

It was her side of the bed.

Austyn gripped the down-feather pillow.

It had been fluffed and looked brand new, but Austyn thought he detected a faint dent.

Round and small, like the shape of her head.

He hurled the pillow to a corner.

Austyn turned in bed.

But her scent was all over the sheets and the comforter.

When dawn broke, Austyn still had his eyes open.

They were bloodshot.

The top-level managers at the M Group bore the brunt of their boss' sleep-deprived irritation.

Men and women in their thirties and forties quaked in their boots as they gave their briefing.

More than one developed a sudden case of stutter.

When they left the president's office, they tiptoed.

They only breathed out when the lift carried them away from the 48th floor, out of the range of fire.

Kai had gone to one of the company's receiving warehouses for inspection.

When he returned to the office building at noon, he was besieged by a group of managers and secretaries. 'Mr Scott, thank heavens you're finally back!" Andy grasped the assistant's hand and shook it enthusiastically. ""What's going on?"

The group's management accountant wore a troubled look. 'We were hoping you could tell us. The boss is in a real bad mood today."

His co-workers nodded. 'Andrea was scolded three times for sending in the wrong coffee. The president really laid into her."

Kai grimaced as he glanced at Andrea.

The secretary's eyes were still red.

'Could you do me a favour?' Andy asked hopefully

'Sure. What is it?"

"I have to deliver this month's P&L statement, but I'd rather not go near Mount Vesuvius again. I almost got my head bitten off at this morning's briefing. Could you help me send in the report?" Andy held out a folder.

"I have a sales report here, too. Could you help me?"

"And the monthly financials."

"And subscriber growth numbers."

"And solar PV growth forecast."

Soon, the assistant's arms were laden with files.

Andy, his safety guaranteed now, helped Kal push the button for the 48th floor.

Kai had to knock on the office door with his elbow.

"Come in."

She's Not Home

Kai carefully piled the files on the desk, making sure they wouldn't collapse.

The president was standing in front of the window wall his back to the assistant.

A wisp of blue smoke rose in the air.

Surreptitiously, Kai studied his boss' reflection in the window.

Brows knitted.

Eyes downcast.noveldrama

Lips pressed.

Not a good sign.

The assistant approached Austyn gingerly.

'Boss, the third batch of goods coming in from the States will arrive on time. I've checked the cold storage warehouse. The pallet tunnels, washing stations, lift tables and everything else are set up and ready to receive. As soon as- 'Track Kira's location.' Austyn ordered without turning around.

'Yes, Boss."

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