Bedmates Soulmates


Naked and Make Up

No Kiss and Make Up

Mariana put both hands on the desk. 'All right. I'll take your word for it. For now. Just a word to the wise, we don't have a three strikes rule here. From this point bnwards, It's either shape up or ship out." 'I understand."

"Okay, you can get back to work."

Kira closed the door on her way out.

Lexi poked her head over the partition as soon as Kira sat down. 'Are you okay?"

I'm fine."

'Don't mind Mariana. Her bark is worse than her bite."

'I know." Kira offered a weak smile.

'So, what happened? I saw you rushing out. Your eyes were red."

'It's a family matter. I just got a bit flustered. I should have applied for leave."

Lexi nodded in commiseration. "Families are important, I get that. I'm sure Mariana can understand it,

too. She has a six-year-old son."

xi patted Kira's shoulder. "Anyway, she's not the type to hold a grudge. Once she gives you the talk, it's


"Come on, let me show you the profiles of the celebs we'll be working with."

Kira rolled her chair to Lexi's workstation with pen and paper in hand.

'Now that we've signed the brand ambassador deal with Revency, we need to give our GL an investment risk analysis. Part of it is to vet the ambassadors' backgrounds and make sure they're not involved in any scandals that will tarnish our brand image." Lexi pointed to her screen. There're six profiles. Let's split them fifty-fifty. I'll take the first three. You take the other half." "Okay."

'Come on, let's get cracking. If we do a bang-up job with the presentation, it'll help you get back to Mariana's good graces." Twenty floors up.

Kai stood in the president's office and gave an update on Austyn's schedule for the next two days.

"A meeting this afternoon with the e-commerce director, three to three thirty pm. Then a meeting with the fintech COO and his team, three forty-five to four-thirty. Two more meetings after that. Then a dinner at seven pm. Tomorrow morning at eight, we'll set off to Farindon to meet the CEO of Promoplex Energy. Travel time's two hours."

"Tell Villaroman to be at Conference Room Two at three o'clock sharp. I'll give him fifteen minutes

instead of thirty. Move up the rest of my meetings by fifteen minutes as well."

"Yes, Boss."noveldrama

No Kess and Make An

'Who am I having dinner, with?"

Kai checked his tablet. Zubin Ling, Deputy Director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau."


"The Director proposed the dinner. Said she wanted to touch base with you."

'Cancel it."

"Yes, Boss."

Kai risked a glance at his boss, who was sitting behind his imposing office desk with an expressionless face.

"Still mad at his wife, huh? Kai thought. "After Boss stamped off in a huff yesterday, the two of them didn't talk to each other on the entire ride home. Judging by that deep furrow on his forehead, I guess there was no 'kiss and make up' last night, either." Austyn took the tablet from his assistant and struck off a few more unimportant meetings.

"One more thing, Boss, Kai said before leaving. 'Young Madam was scolded by her supervisor this morning.

When Paul caught wind of this, he got into a real state,

Too scared to face the big boss himself, he pleaded with Kai to relay the message.

Kai pulled out his phone, ready to dial Paul's number.

He thought Austyn would fly off the handle when he heard this.

Paul was seconded to Telecom Sales & Marketing specifically to keep an eye on Kira.

He'd dropped the ball.

The boss was going to rake him over the coals.

But Austyn didn't raise his head.

He said simply, 'It's the supervisor's job to bring their subordinates in line. We run a business here, not one big happy family. If she did something wrong, she should face the music."

Kai kept his face down so the boss wouldn't see his eye roll.

'Come on, you're just saying that because you're still mad at her, the assistant thought.

Instead, he just nodded at the boss. 'I'll call Director Villaroman to move up the meeting."

He headed for the door.


Kai turned back. 'Boss, is there anything else?"

"Push back all my meetings today to next week. Ask them to videochat me if there's anything urgent. We'll leave for Farindon this afternoon." 'Um..."

"You heard me. Now snap to it."

'Yes, Boss."

Kai was already typing frantically on his tablet.

No Kist and Make Up

There were four meetings to reschedule and one dinner to cancel.

'Damn," the assistant thought as he hastened back to his office. 'Boss can be so childish when he gets angry. He's running away from home!"

Kira threw herself into work.

Lexi showed her some tricks on how to dig up dirt on the celebs.

It was more than just social networks.

There were certain forums to visit, certain chatrooms to peek at, and certain people to call.

They were an eye-opener.

Kira couldn't scribble fast enough.

These tricks would come in handy when she began a career as a journalist after graduation.

Work also helped her take her mind off things.

She was about to clock out when Elsie called her.

"Young Madam, I'm sorry I won't be able to cook for you tonight. You might have to eat out."

'Sure, that's no problem. What happened, though?

The housekeeper signed. 'My four-year-old nephew is sick and has to be hospitalised. His parents can't afford to take time off work, so they called me. I'm going to stay with him for a couple of days." "I see. I hope it's nothing serious."

'Details are sketchy. I'll know more once I get to the hospital."

'Okay. Take care of yourself as well, Elsie."

'I will, thank you, Young Madam. Could you pass the message on to Young Master? I couldn't get through to him just now. The two of you can go to dinner at a nice restaurant."

Kira made an indistinct sound, which Elsie took to be an affirmative reply.

After she hung up, Kira thought about calling Austyn.

She had his number onscreen.

Her finger hovered above the green 'call' button.

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