Beyond Beta's Rejection

Beyond Beta’s Rejection Chapter 65

(Harper’s POV)noveldrama

“Wait!” I exclaimed as one of the warriors held Elias with difficulty while another tried to put on silver-coated and spellbound handcuffs. I pulled a top on quickly as I tried to get their attention.

“There’s been a mistake,” I called, but no one seemed to be listening. I saw one of the warriors that I recognised standing to one side.

“Paul,” I urged. “Please, we got it wrong,” I said, grabbing his arm and pulling him to face me. He just grinned at me.

“Hey, Kirby,” he said. “I knew you remembered my name. Good job, by the way. Nathaniel is seriously impressed. He was singing your praises the whole way here.”

“Nathaniel!” I exclaimed, and I saw Elias stiffen. “He’s here? Where?” I knew Nathaniel would listen to me. He would understand the mistake and that we had the wrong person.

“He’s downstairs, coordinating the warriors to pick up the traitors.” I shook my head and glanced at Elias, who was now cuffed although still fighting. I had to sort this out. This was my fault.

I ran out into the hallway and bumped into Louise and Tommy.

“What the hell is happening?” Tommy asked as I pushed past him to get to the stairs.

“The Council arrived,” I called back. “They’ve arrested Elias.” I made the stairs and ran down them.

“Harper!” Tommy called after me. “Stop a minute.”

“No, I need to get to Nathaniel. He will sort this out,” I called back. I glanced back as I reached the next set of stairs and saw both Tommy and Louise were on my heels as I ran down the stairs.

I reached the top of the main stairs and saw a swarm of Council warriors. I searched the room for Nathaniel, but I couldn’t see him.

“Harps, why are they here?” Tommy asked as I continued to search.

“When I found the stuff in Elias’ safe, I sent pictures to the Council,” I explained, not taking my eyes off the ground floor. I could see Marcus struggling under three warriors as they held him down and winced. I turned to Tommy. “I didn’t know. I just reacted,” I said. That was the real reason I couldn’t be angry at Elias for what he did. I did exactly the same. Tommy grimaced but then forced a smile.

“Don’t worry, kid, we’ll get it all cleared up, and then you and-” Tommy stopped mid-sentence, his eyes widening.

“What the f**k!” he exclaimed, and I followed his sight. I don’t know what Tommy had seen because just then, I spotted Aaron and Nathaniel at the entrance of the house.

“Nathaniel!” I called as I headed down the stairs. He looked up and smiled. I could see the pride on his face and internally winced at how quickly that was going to change.

“Harper, my dear,” he called. “Good work, girl, you have really come through here.”

“Nathaniel, you don’t understand,” I said as I reached him and Aaron.

“Harper…” Aaron looked concerned. “What’s wrong?”

“Nathaniel, I got it wrong. Elias isn’t the Circle. Colton is!”

“What?” Aaron exclaimed. He looked over at Nathaniel, who just smiled at me.

“Harper, sweetheart, it’s ok. I got the evidence we needed,” Nathaniel said, “We have enough to put Owens and his men away for good. You don’t have to be scared of him.”

“I’m not scared. Elias was sent to stop the Circle. He’s not a part of it.” Why wasn’t he listening?

“Harper, calm down. It’s ok, I already know,” Nathaniel said, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“What, you know?” Aaron looked confused, and I looked between them, my own confusion growing.

“Don’t worry. I will explain everything. You’ll both understand.” Then he glanced behind me, and a grin appeared on his face.

“Thomas Kirby,” Nathaniel said, and I looked around to see Tommy glaring at Nathaniel. “What a pleasure.”

“What the f**k are you doing here?” Tommy spat, his face twisted in anger. I glanced at Louise, and she shook her head.

“Now, Thomas, let’s not be so rash,” Nathaniel said, and Tommy growled.

“You were exiled!” Tommy growled. “You are not allowed on the territory by order of death.”

“What?” I looked between them. “Nathaniel? Tommy, what are you talking about?”

“I see you have your father’s spirit,” Nathaniel said. “How is Samuel? Did he ever come out of hiding?” I was getting more confused by the minute. Then Tommy growled again, and I felt myself being pulled to the side as he lunged at Nathaniel. I looked around to see Aaron had grabbed me, so I wasn’t in the path of the raging werewolf. I glanced back in time to see Tommy flying across the room and Nathaniel stalking toward him.

“You may be an older boy, but you still have nothing on me!” he snarled, and then I screamed as he backhanded Tommy. He glanced up at some warriors.

“Detain him. He’s with the traitors,” he ordered, and two warriors were on a dazed Tommy. I tried to struggle out of Aaron’s grip, but his hands circled my arms like a vice.

“Nathaniel, what the hell?” I shouted, and he turned to speak when another voice came from the doorway.

“Uncle Nate, I think we’ve managed to locate almost all of Owens’ men.” I stared in shock as Colton walked up to Nathaniel, who grinned at him.

“Good work, my boy,” Nathaniel said and clapped him on the back.

“No!” I exclaimed and tried to struggle out of Aaron’s grip again. “Dammit, Aaron, get off me!” I snarled

“Yes, unhand my mate,” Colton said with a growl, and I growled in return as I felt Aaron’s grip tighten.

“Actually,” Nathaniel said, looking at me. “It might be best that you keep a hold, just for now.” He walked slowly towards me. “Harper, sweetheart. Why don’t we go and get a cup of calming tea, and I can explain everything to you?”

“But Colton!” I exclaimed. I glared at Colton, who was grinning at me. “He’s the Circle.” Why was he not listening to me? Nathaniel glanced around as he walked closer to me.

“Harper, you need to calm down,” he said, holding his arms out in front of him. He then leaned right into me and whispered in my ear.

“I already know,” I pulled back as my eyes widened. He just smiled again.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I will explain everything as soon as I can.” Then, he turned to Colton. “Now, where is your mother? It has been a long time since I have seen my sister.” I felt frozen in shock.

I was still trying to process what was going on when I heard a growl from the first floor. I looked up to see Elias being dragged down the stairs by three warriors. Even with the spellbound handcuffs, they were still having a problem controlling him. I saw his eyes were fixated on Nathaniel as he growled again.

“YOU!” he snarled and lunged down the stairs, pulling the warriors with him. He was on Nathaniel in a heartbeat, and even with his hands cuffed behind his back, he was still reaching for Nathaniel’s throat with his teeth. Nathaniel roared and pushed him off with surprising ease. Elias slammed into the wall and was up on his feet in seconds.

“I’ve been waiting to kill you for years,“ he snarled and lunged at Nathaniel again. “I want you to suffer the way my sister suffered.” Nathaniel just laughed as he slammed Elias back against the wall. I saw Elias’ eyes shift to that awful black as whatever the beast was took control of him.

“What the f**k!” Aaron exclaimed. “No, it’s not possible.”

“I see I took the wrong sibling,” Nathaniel sneered as he stood over Elias’ body. And everything clicked into place as I realised what he said. Nathaniel was the Alpha that had led the attack on Elias’ pack. The one where his sister had been taken and then killed. An attack was ordered by the Circle, which meant that Nathaniel was Circle!

“But you’re not an Alpha,” I exclaimed. “You’re a Beta.” I looked over at Colton, watching me intently as all the pieces began to fall into place. Colton was Circle, and Nathaniel was Colton’s uncle. Nathaniel turned and glanced at me quickly before looking back down at Elias. Or at the beast that currently controlled his body. Even though the glance was quick, it was enough time to see something that sent me reeling even further. Nathaniel’s eyes were as black and soulless as Elias’. He growled down at Elias.

“Control your human, dammit,” he growled, and the beast growled back.

“Stay away from her.” His deep guttural voice felt like death itself, and Nathaniel turned back and looked at me again, a sneer appearing on his face.

“Interesting, how very interesting,” he said, as I felt frozen under his gaze. The beast in Elias snarled again, and Nathaniel sighed.

“I’ll deal with you later.” He lifted his foot and stamped it down on Elias’ head, knocking him unconscious. I screamed and tried to pull myself out of Aaron’s grip again.

“I’ll kill you!” I screamed, but Nathaniel shook his head, his eyes switching back to blue.

“Oh, Harper dear, maybe you need a little time out, just until you calm down a little, my dear.” He started walking towards me again, and I shrunk back.

“Just a little break in the cells until you start to see sense.” He motioned towards a couple of warriors who headed towards me.

“It’s ok,” Aaron said from behind me as I started to struggle again. He twisted my arm up to my back, and I felt the sting of silver as he cuffed one of my wrists. I tried to turn and snarl at him, but he had my other arm behind my back and cuffed in seconds. “I’ll take her myself.”

“Good, man,” Nathaniel said and clapped him on the back. I felt a push as I growled at Nathaniel again.

Aaron began pushing me out the door. I tried to struggle, but the silver was already doing its job, but I refused to give in, not while I still had strength in myself.

“Dammit, Harper,” Aaron exclaimed as I swung my head back into his face. I heard him growl, and then I was lifted off my feet, and he flung me over his shoulder.

“Let me go, you bastard,” I shouted and tried kicking him. He just grunted and grabbed my legs, pinning them to his body. He stopped suddenly and growled again.

“Get out of my way,” he said, and I tried to look around.

“I’ll take her,” I heard Colton say. I felt hands on me, and then Aaron pulled back. “She’s my mate,” Colton growled.

“Like hell I am,” I snarled back and heard Aaron grunt a laugh.

“I got her,” he growled.

“Colton, just let him take her to the cells. You can have her back when she calms down,” Nathaniel called, and I glared at him.

“But Uncle Nate-”

“Dammit boy, if you are going to be the Alpha, you better start bloody acting like it,” Nathaniel snapped. I guessed that Colton must have moved because Aaron started moving towards the door again. I tried to struggle as he walked out into the courtyard, but the silver had taken effect, and I was pretty much as weak as a human. I settled for promises instead.

“I swear to the goddess Aaron, I will rip out your heart and feed it to you, you lying bastard,” I snarled as he headed to one side of the house.

“Sure you will, darling,” he chuckled, and I tried to slam my legs into him again, but he had me held secure.

“Hey dickwad, you’re going the wrong way,” I snarled as he headed in the opposite direction to where the cells were.

“Notice that, did you?” he chuckled again. We rounded the corner of the house, and as soon as we were out of sight, Aaron swung me off his shoulder and dumped me on the floor.

“Ow!” I exclaimed, and he grinned. He leaned down, pulled the handcuffs off me, and then crouched down beside me while I rubbed my wrists.

“Are you ok?” he asked. I replied by slapping him in the face.

“What the hell, Aaron?” I hissed, and he chuckled.

“Good thing you aren’t at full strength. You meant that,” he said, rubbing his cheek.

“Damn f*****g straight I did,” I hissed again.

“Listen, you can b***h at me all you want, but right now, we need to get somewhere safe,” he said, and I shook my head,

“I don’t know where. It’s like no one is what they seem,” I said. Just then, I saw headlights, and a car pulled up beside us. Aaron went into a fight stance, but I grabbed his arm. The window rolled down, and Louise looked out.

“Get in already. We need to get out of here. I know where to go.” Aaron looked at me, and I nodded. He picked me up since I was still struggling with the after-effects of the silver. He opened the back door, put me in before running around to the front of the car, and jumped in the front.

“Where are we going?” he asked, and Louise laughed.

“I need a drink, don’t you?” she said and then started the car again and drove around the corner and down the driveway of the pack house.

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