Chapter 39: Italian Stallion
Chapter 39: Italian Stallion
"Micah see, you're too nice." Benny clicked his mouth. "That boy was being an asshole and you put
him in his place. There shouldn't be a needed apology."
"I don't know, I think I should still feel pretty bad. I don't know how it feels to be in his situation and I
used that against him." I sighed, sipping onto my coffee as Benny devoured a beautifully golden waffle
topped with syrup and whipped cream.
"Micah, just help the boy out. Look, if you ever hear his dad say some crazy shit about converting him
to being straight again, interrupt." He suggested, confusing me a little.
"How am I gonna do that?"
"Well." He chewed and quickly swallowed. "I want you to interrupt and pretend like you and Romeo
been fucking for months and he can't do shit about it-" He couldn't even finish what he was saying as
he exploded out in laughter.
I narrowed my eyes at him as I tried not to laugh. "Yea, wow, thanks. That's definitely the smartest thing
to do Benny." I sarcastically responded as he kept laughing. "You know what? Romeo clearly hates me
so why do I even care this much? I'm just gonna stay away from him." I added.
"I got a feeling that shit is gonna be impossible because your life is like a damn fictional novel." Benny
quickly coughed. "Speaking of not being able to stay away from people, your Italian Stallion is coming."
He chewed.
I quickly furrowed down my eyebrows. "Italian what?"
A familiarly charming voice appeared behind me as I quickly smiled. "Micah what's your Snapchat?"
Jessie asked, his body sliding very closely next to mine, causing our skin to brush against each other.
Benny snorted before I tried to speak out. "I uh, I don't have Snapchat." I bit my lip.
Jesse surprisingly didn't seem bothered by this. "Instagram?" He asked again.
I shook my head no as his mouth slightly dropped now, Benny laughing quietly to himself. "I don't have
social media, like at all-well actually I used too, but I made sure to delete everything after I got outed at
school but I don't really wanna talk about that, s-so yea I don't have anything sorry."
"At least tell me you have a phone number." Jessie's deep blue eyes observed my face as his cologne
crept itself into my senses.
"I do, hold on." I quickly whipped my phone out and gave it to him, my cheeks burning the whole time.
"Obviously I have a phone number." I amusingly added, trying to act like me not using social media isn't
"It's about time I get your phone number." Jessie smirked. "I was gonna text and ask where you were
yesterday but I didn't have you on anything. Now I do." He adorably trailed off, his eyes landing on
Benny. "What's so funny?" He deeply asked.
"I really don't wanna say." Benny struggled to speak as if his laugh was just gonna get louder.
I looked at him confused as Jesse leaned closer against me. "Say it."
Benny took a deep breath as he looked straight at me. "Just kinda shook when you pulled out that
prehistoric rock." And with that, he exploded out in laughter. "I thought you were gonna pull out an
antenna to get service or something." I immediately felt embarrassed as Jesse couldn't resist not
laughing also.
"Okay, I know it's bad, my phone is old." I narrowed my eyes, my cheeks burning at the both of them.
"Fuck both of you guys." I couldn't help but laugh also.
Jesse widely smiled. "I'm sorry." He surrendered, putting his hands up into the air.
Just before anyone could've continued to roast me and my crappy phone, a loud screeching noise
quickly caught all of our attention.
"Hello everyone!" Posh's high-pitched voice came through a large pink megaphone. "I just wanna
remind you guys that my celebratory party for being a historical figure in fashion is gonna be held at my
suite tomorrow night, everyone is invited, bring all your hot friends!" He cheered, stepping down his
table with the help of Cadence's hand.
Conversations continued as Benny and I quickly looked at each other. "Historical figure in fashion?" I
let out with a confused tone. "What does that mean?"
Benny took a second to chew and swallow his food before responding. "He became the very first male
Victoria's Secret Angel last week." My mouth dropped as Benny continued speaking. "He's gonna walk
the runway this coming weekend so he's gonna have a party about it tomorrow."
My mouth remained dropped. "Are you serious? That's actually kinda insane. So do they make male
lingerie now too?"
Benny shrugged. "I don't know, I don't really care. I'm down to go to the party though if you are." He
began to slowly dance to himself. "I'm always up for free alcohol." He playfully stuck his tongue out as
he let out a noise.
"Im down to go too but I probably won't drink." I quickly turned towards Jesse. "Are you coming?"
"I don't know yet." Jesse adorably yawned, flexing an arm around me. "I'm not a party person." He
smirked at me, my eyes examining his face for a second.
Benny quickly groaned out in annoyance. "Jesse don't go. Because if your ass goes, then I don't
wanna go anymore." We quickly looked at him confused. "Sorry if that sounds hella rude but I'm gonna
get third wheeled and I'm not down for that."
"Benny, we won't do that to you." I quickly let out, feeling sort of bad that he feels that way.
"Mhm yea, whatever." He sighed, sassily rolling his eyes down at his plate of waffles.
I tried to hide my excitement as I hopped my way inside the frozen yogurt place, Jesse deeply
chuckling behind me.
"Hello, welcome to FroYoYo. Try the new something island flavor, something, I forgot, but try it or
whatever." The girl from the counter spoke unamused as she twirled a strand of her straight black hair,
not even bothering to look at us. "I'm Blaire."
Wow, she loves working here doesn't she?
"This place is cute." I looked up at Jesse as my cheeks couldn't help but flush at him as I knew the
room was looking directly at us, well mostly at Jesse.
Jesse casually walked towards the girl behind the counter, not even knowing how much he stood out
with his good looks. "Can I get one of those uh-small cups?" He asked causing Blaire to finally look up
at him.
The second her and Jesse locked eyes, she immediately stumbled back as she almost looked like she
was about to have a seizure. "W-what s-small cup daddy-sir, I mean sir?" She stuttered badly as I
stood behind Jesse with an amused facial expression.
Did she really just accidentally call him daddy?
What the fuck.
Jesse awkwardly raised a perfectly structured brow at her. "Those small cups that you use to try a
flavor?" He answered sternly.
Blaire's cheeks burned as she quickly unbuttoned her shirt lower. "Y-yea, their called testers but
whatever it's fine your perfect." She let out seductively, making me internally gag at her thirstyness.
After waiting for Jesse to grab the small cup, we finally walked towards the many flavors I couldn't wait
to try. My eyes lit up at the names and pictures of the many different flavors as I didn't know which one I
wanted. "What flavor are you gonna get?" I asked excitedly, watching him fill his small cup with a flavor.
His deep blue eyes heavily demanded attention as his pink tongue sensually grazed against the white
dewy cream.
"Coconut." He slowly licked his lips as he pulled the lever onto his big cup. "It's my favorite flavor and it
reminds me of you, so.." My cheeks quickly burned as I furrowed down my eyebrows at him.
"I taste like coconut?"
"Little bit, yea." He nodded, devilishly smirking as he waited for his cup to fill.
"Is that a good thing?" I half-laughed.
"I just said it's my favorite flavor, Micah." He cheekily replied.
"Oh yea, well, my bad." I anxiously chuckled, my eyes leaving his and landing on what flavor I should
I watched the frozen yogurt fill his cup as I quickly knew what flavor I wanted. "Well, you always taste
minty and sweet so I'm thinking I should get piña colada?" He winced as I filled up my cup. "What?" I
laughed at his unexplainable facial expression.
"Is piña colada good?" He bat his eyelashes as he looked down at my cup.
I quickly put my cup down and walked towards him. "Let me try and remember." I whispered, brushing
my hand against his soft cheeks and quickly kissing him. "Yup, it's good." I shrugged, watching his face
slightly seem bothered by breaking the kiss too fast.
I'm not gonna make out with him knowing there's people around, that's just gross.
"I fucking hate you for that." He playfully pouted, my face subtly reddening as we walked together at the
toppings section. "Surprised your nose didn't bleed." He teasingly added.
I shrugged, smirking to myself. "Probably since it was quick." I finally looked back at him. "If it wasn't,
I'm sure I'd be bleeding right now. We need to stop though, people are looking. They probably think
we're so cringey." My eyes looked around.
"Fuck them, I don't care." Jesse shrugged, blowing a piece of hair away from his face. "Probably just
jealous because they're single."
"Technically, we're both single too." I raised a brow at him as I spoke low.
"Well whatever." He shrugged again. "They're maybe just jealous." He corrected himself making me
It was hard to deny the fact that Jesse looked immaculately attractive today. His snowy chiseled biceps
peeked out of his black tank top as his midnight hair was messier than usual. Although messy, it still
seemed to only compliment his bright blue eyes and reddened full lips even further.
A female voice that belonged to Blaire the employee quickly appeared as we proceeded to collect our
toppings. "Wait, are you guys together?"
I just turned towards Jesse with my eyes subtly widened. "No, we're brothers and we like to engage in
incest by making out with each other." His voice let out smoothly. "Hot right?" He huskily added as my
mouth dropped in shock at his response.
Blaire licked her lips at Jesse. "I don't know if that was sarcasm but I just wanted to know if you guys
are down to hookup."
Jesse's mouth gaped as a strand of shiny black hair fell near his crystal blue eyes. "Wow, I don't think
you're supposed to ask customers that." He anxiously chuckled as I was internally confused. "I respect
your confidence though." He shook his head in disapproval as we proceeded in finishing putting
toppings on our frozen yogurts.
"That's why I need to be punished." Blaire quietly let out as my spirit left my body from being so
shocked and confused even more.
She can't be serious.
I quickly got in front of Jesse as I waved a hand in front of her face. "Um, excuse you, can you just let
us pay already."
Blaire playfully rolled her eyes as she giggled. "I love a man who commands me." She audibly
whispered under her breath as I threw Jesse a disgusted look, making him just reply with a casual
After Jesse successfully paid for our yogurts, we decided it was best to sit outside to prevent further
verbal harassment from that very thirsty girl. That was too much.
Jesse laughed out loud as he sticked the pink spoon inside his mouth. "At least she was up front about
it. I would never be able to do that."
I rolled my eyes as the taste of the piña colada blending in with the vanilla wafers I added mixed in my
mouth. "That was just so wrong in so many levels. I'm surprised she hasn't been fired." I clicked my
mouth as my mind exploded from the flavors I was tasting. "So are you coming to Posh's party
Jesse took a second to respond as his lips slowly rubbed off the spoon. "Nah." He dryly answered. "I'm
probably just gonna go play basketball with my friends."
I raised an eyebrow at him. "At night?"
"Mhm." He nodded, adorably sticking the spoon back into his mouth.
"That's interesting."
"You play basketball?" He asked, my eyes not leaving his as I continued to eat my yogurt.
"I've never played a single sport in my life. I'm surprised I even passed P.E without doing anything." I let
out, watching his mouth slightly drop.
"Micah, that's fucking crazy." His eyes quickly lit up at me as his mouth was slightly widened. "You
know what, I don't care what you say, I'm bringing you to the basketball court one day and we're gonna
play." Jesse bit his lip at me.
"Oh god no, I will never engage in sports!" I whined, playfully throwing him a dirty look as his mouth
widened again.
Just before Jesse could've replied, the sound of a growling engine emitted itself around us, my eyes
widening at how familiar it sounds. "That's a sexy car." Jesse hissed as Romeo's slick black muscle car
with crimson red outlines pulled up.
I remained quiet as the growling car turned off, my hand slightly hiding my face away. I couldn't help but
look, only to catch Romeo throwing me a disgusted look as he held a girl beside him.
Hold on..
A girl beside him!?
An awkward silence broke out as I watched them enter the frozen yogurt place. "You know them?"
Jesse asked curiously, licking off the white cream that was stuck near his mouth.
"Not at all." I anxiously blurted out.
So Romeo really believes he can still convert his true self into being straight, huh?
Oh how badly I wanna prove him wrong..
"We're gonna be surrounded with a bunch of snakes." Benny adjusted his necklace as he coughed.
"Hope you're prepared."
"Do you think anyone famous is gonna be there?" I asked, buttoning my shirtless body up.
"Um, duh! Posh is the very first male Victoria's Secret Angel! As much as I hate to admit it, that's a
pretty huge deal. Celebrities will probably come and congratulate him. Imagine the amount of models
that's gonna be there." He deeply breathed. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm excited." He clapped his hands.
"Do I look okay?" I gulped as I ran my hand through my hair, Benny's eyes carefully observing my
"You look good." Benny quickly walked towards me. "Just open this collar, you gotta show them collar
bones off honey!" He loudly cheered, making me laugh.
"Now how about me?" He asked, posing back as I scanned his outfit. "This look is inspired by
Rihanna's 2017 fall collection." I immediately looked at him confused.
Benny wore an oversized black and red jacket and wore his signature turtle neck, only the color being noveldrama
deep red this time. His loose pants were also black and red striped. I wouldn't personally be able to
rock his outfit the way he is but it does look nice, I guess.
It's not my fault I don't get fashion.
"I-uh, you look good." I threw him a small smile, wishing I knew half the things he was saying to me.
"The colors make you stand out." I politely added.
Benny rolled his eyes. "That's the point. I know there's gonna be some fashion designers there and I at
least want my outfit to be noticed. I know it might be Posh's night but I wanna be an attention whore
and stand out also." He evilly grinned.
I anxiously chuckled. "Good luck with that. If Posh wears really grand outfits to just simply hang out at
the cafeteria, imagine his outfit on a very special day for him."
"Ugh." Benny crinkled his face. "You're right, why do I even bother? His extra ass is probably gonna be
wearing huge angel wings or some shit."
"Don't telepathically give him ideas now." We both laughed.
This night should be quite interesting..
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