Chasing His Betrayed Luna

61. Finding Kyle


She has got to be kidding me!

"Are you bipolar?" I blurted before I could stop myself from offending her even more. I did her a favor. Telling Katie that Kyle was kidnapped was clearly a bad idea and it would have caused more issues for her to worry about but rather than thank me, she lashed out at me. In fact, she's kicking me out.noveldrama

Aurelia's eyes widened and Lex chimed in my head, "Wrong move, Man."

"What did you say to me?" Aurelia asked. Her stance and scent made it known that she was more than ready to rip my head off.

"I asked if you have ever been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Aurelia." Rather than take back my words as my wolf advised, I kinda made more emphasis.

Aurelia's eyes narrowed as she stood akimbo, glaring at me, "You're the crazy and mentally unfit one, Raiden. I should have known better than to ask you to help. When have you ever done anything right?"

Her words stung. I lost control and barked, "Yes, I fucked up. I messed up our lives but I won't sit back and let you traumatize our daughter by telling her that he dearest brother was kidnapped. I won't let you break her-"

"You can't tell me how to raise my daughter, Raiden. You don't even know her nor do you know how to relate with her. I know those-"

"Agreed. You know her better but you won't let me get close enough to know her as well nor would you tell me just like you didn't think it was important to tell me that Kyle's lungs aren't healthy!" I accused without holding back. Aurelia snapped, "Why should I tell you? It's not like you can heal him and it's not like it wasn't your fault he was born with weak lungs!"

My fault?

What was with this woman and blaming me for every bad thing that had happened to her? Yes, I wasn't a good mate and I was sorry but how could she blame me for Kyle's disease? Why would she do that?

I didn't bother to ask her those questions because I was tired of being the bad guy in Aurelia's story. I chose to respond to her first question though. "You should have told me because the boy was kidnapped! Dammit! His lungs could fail and I wouldn't know-" "Would it have changed anything? Aurelia interjected. "Would telling you have helped you find Kyle? It's been four days, Raiden, and you still haven't found him!"

Her voice wavered as she drew closer to tears with every word she threw in my face. I felt her emotions like they were mine as she stepped closer to me. Gosh! "Aurelia-"

"You haven't found him, Raiden and you just lied to Katie that you'd bring her to him. Have you stopped to think about what would happen to Katie if you fail to take her to Kyle in another four days?"

"I will find him before-"

She ignored my words and continued, sobbing, "Or in four weeks or four years? Or perhaps four decades? How will you break the news to Katie if Kyle can never come back home to her... to us-"

This time, I wasn't the one who cut Aurelia off. Her sobs did. Tears trickled down her cheeks and I finally understood why she lashed out at me... why she was pissed about the white lie I thought was best for Katie-

She was preparing herself for the worst case scenario and she planned to prepare Katie as well.

"She can't be thinking that far." Lex whimpered to me. "We won't let Kyle die. He'll be found..."

Although my wolf didn't know how Kyle would be found, he was confident However, I sensed it wasn't about finding Kyle to Aurelia. It was more about how long Kyte would last in captivity with the condition of his lungs and without proper care.

She was scared we would find him d-dead...

With that realization slamming into. me, I staggered backward, my legs growing weak while Aurelia let herself fall as she crouched, folding into herself with tears pouring out of her eyes. "He hasn't had his

medications in four days. He

probably isn't eating well. He's most

likely locked up in a duste

and dirty room... All of these are bad for my baby. H-he w-will be in p-pain a-and I wo-wouldn't be there to h-help him

feel be-better-" Aurelia bawled.

I tried to move towards her, thought of holding her, and considered offering her some reassuring words but I had none. My legs were frozen on the spot and my mind was blank.

"I'm sorry to have failed you, Aurelia. This is all my fault. I should have let you remain in Tristan's pack and-" I began to blame myself just like she would.

Crying was the only way I could

console Aurelia. My eyes watered in a way that communicated that we shared the same pain despite the difference in intensity. The pain felt was small in comparison to what Aurelia had been enduring for four days.

"Please find him before we have to break the news to Katie." Aurelia breathed. "I d-don't want to tr-traumatize my girl."

I nodded in understanding, "I better go. I should tell my men about this new development. It'll help them understand the urgency tied to finding Kyle."

Before Aurelia could respond, the nanny walked into the living room with a few bags in her hands. The moment she saw Aurelia's broken state, she dropped the bags and rushed to Aurelia's side, pulling her up.

"What happened? Is Ky-kyle O-kay?" She asked fearfully but rather than respond, Aurelia hugged her and cried on her shoulder. The nanny faced me, demanding answers, "What did you say to her? Has Kyle been found?

Clearly, she was also expecting the worst due to my failure to find my son sooner but the worst won't happen.

I promised myself that as I turned around to make sure Kyle wasn't found lifeless.

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