Chapter 14
The Boss:
I don’t feel comfortable with Aisling driving into the city today. Could you pick her up from Pack Mohan’s home?
“What the fuck?” I growl, glaring at my phone. I’m just getting out of the shower, and have a towel wrapped haphazardly around my hips.
“What are you yelling about?” Aiden mumbles, burying his head in the pillows. He has to be up soon to pick up Cian.
I know damn well why he can’t pick Aisling up, but why didn’t she spend the night at home? It’s barely seven in the morning.
“The boss wants me to pick up Aisling from Pack Mohan’s house,” I mutter.
“Wren and Aisling are best friends,” Aiden says with a yawn. “She’s over there a lot.”
“Yep,” Evan grunts, scratching his stomach.
He has a happy trail that disappears under the blanket, making my mouth water. We sleep in a huge pack bed, though we do have our own rooms. However, our closet is in this room, separated out by person. It’s just what makes the most sense for us.
“Don’t be a dick and act jealous that our poppet has friends,” Caelin says, making me pinch my nose in annoyance.noveldrama
“Ugh, get out of my head, Caelin,” I grunt. “I’m happy for the extra time with her, but I’m getting irrationally angry.”
“Domh, I’m going to give you something to choke on if you don’t get a move on,” Aiden says, the blanket tented over his cock as he flops over onto his back.
Licking my bottom lip, I gaze at it, wondering if it would help my mood to have my face fucked. I bet it would…
“God save me from kinky brats,” he groans, tugging it down. Caelin moves over to Aiden with predatory grace, swallowing down his cock. “Fuck, yes. Show him what he’s missing while he makes that long fucking drive, baby.”
“Fucking hate you all,” I grumble, striding to the closet to get dressed to the sounds of Caelin sucking and slurping Aiden down.
I swear the fucker is extra loud on purpose.
Evan laughs, though the sound becomes strangled as he groans. Great, now I really feel left out.
“You’re going to be late picking Cian up,” I call out over my shoulder.
“Fuck,” Aiden moans. “Well, sounds like you have something to actually be jealous about, asshole.”
Rolling my eyes, I force myself to respond to my boss.
I’ll head out soon. Does she need anything? I’ll need the address, Sir
The Boss:
About damn time, Domhnall. She’s going to need clothes. I’m packing a bag for her now. Aisling didn’t expect to get caught out there with the snow.
How is she going to get around the city today without her car?
The Boss:
She’ll walk or rideshare. Aisling doesn’t need to be coddled. Now move your ass!
It’s funny that he’s saying that when he’s ordering me to go pick her up. However, the snow really came down last night, so I’m not fucking complaining.
Getting dressed for the day in a full suit and suspenders, I make sure I look sharp before coming out of the closet. Aiden is coming into Caelin’s mouth with a groan while sucking Evan down.
Fuck, it’s like my favorite porno, and I can’t join in without being late. Adjusting my cock, I scowl as I stalk out the door.
“Have a good day!” Evan yells before groaning loudly as he comes.
These fucking fuckers. I swear, they’re all a pain in the ass, but they’re mine.
Hurrying down the stairs, I turn the engine to my truck on, along with the heat so it won’t be too cold. I have some work in the city, which means I’m going to coordinate my schedule with Aisling’s to take her back out to get her car. While I wasn’t asked to, it means more time with my girl.
I will be a possessive bastard, I can’t help it when I know she’s not bonded and still dating. She has to know that she has a scent match after Aiden told me the other day that his scent was all over her closet before he left. It has to be driving her a bit crazy not to know who it is.
Fuck, will she be wearing her scent blocking gel today? A part of me knows she’ll probably put it on religiously, while another idly wishes that she forgets. Blowing out a breath as I grab my bag, I head out to my now warm truck and drive out to Cian’s house.
I keep reminding myself of everything he’s said to me about her independence and how important Omega’s Haven is to her. I want to know everything about her life. She shouldn’t have to give up her dreams for us.
Evan told me about how his cousin Meghan is struggling with rebuilding her life after giving it all up for an abusive pack.
We won’t be those people. Aisling Sullivan deserves the world.
My intrusive thoughts threaten as I drive, reminding me about how much I also enjoy pushing people to their sexual limits. I’ve never let myself completely loose on someone because I’ve always been the one acting as Evan’s watchdog.
What would it be like to spend hours edging a pretty little omega while she chokes on Evan’s dick? What would it be like for her to be bound and gagged while she takes Aiden’s cock? Goddamn, wouldn’t she be pretty when her pussy swells with my and Caelin’s dicks stuffing her?
“You’re tempting enough, Sugar, without my thoughts going wild,” I growl under my breath, pulling into Cian’s driveway.
This is why Aiden had to be the one to hold her through her last heat. He has more control. He craves it, has endless lists for Cian’s needs and life, and keeps us all in check. This is why Cian hesitated to kill him, though I’m sure Aisling’s request that he be spared had something to do with it too.
That also is intriguing to me. Aiden doesn’t think he has a chance in hell of Aisling forgiving him. If that was true, wouldn’t she have just insisted her father kill him?
Pulling my coat firmly over my body, I snag a beanie and cover my hair. Fuck, it’s too damn cold to be out today, but I have shit to do, and a pretty little omega to unstrand. Getting out of the truck, I walk up to the front door and knock, shoving my hands into my pockets. Cian opens the door with a bag, brow raised as he hands it to me.
“Do not fuck this up,” he growls as I reach out for the bag. “You’re the only one I will trust my daughter with while the rest of your pack is either in the doghouse or scheming. This had better not blow up in your faces, or I’ll have your knots. Is that understood?”
Eyes wide, I nod quickly. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Holy shit.
“I don’t like when she’s not home,” he explains. “I know she’s safe with Wren and her pack, and it’s not the first time she’s spent the night. However, this snowstorm came out of fucking nowhere.”
“Yes, it did, Sir,” I murmur. “I’m doing contracts in the city, and I have to swing by the court to submit a few things. I’m going to see if I can sync up my schedule to take her back out to get her car today though after we’re both done for the day.”
Cian stares at me for a moment as if surprised. I will do anything for more time with Aisling. If she’s already attached to me by the time we steal her date, it may be easier for her to be open to accepting us as her pack.
Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but I will stack the deck in our favor with every intention of keeping her. Kidnapping, however, is also in the cards if nothing else works.
“That’s very helpful, Domhnall. Thank you,” he grunts. “I’m going to go call Hayes. He’s going to make me fucking late to breakfast with my sister. I sent you Pack Mohan’s address in a text just now.”
Smirking, I nod, saying goodbye. While Cian can and does drive himself, Aiden prefers to do it. If shit goes down, he wants to know that he can defend the boss. Never can be too careful, especially with how often we all piss people off on his behalf.
Getting back in my truck, I toss the bag onto the seat next to me, and load the address into my GPS. Putting my phone on the mount on my dashboard, I hit the start button and put the car into reverse. I’m only driving for a minute or two, when Caelin calls me.
“Are you calling me to gloat about the load of cum you swallowed like a good boy?” I ask as I answer.
Caelin snorts, making my lips twitch. I enjoy giving him shit, but I’m still rock hard from the memory.
“I always enjoy a good load of cum in the morning,” he says. “It does a growing boy good.”
“You’re twenty-nine, and already a big fucker. I doubt you’re going to grow anymore,” I tell him, chuckling. “I’m on my way to Pack Mohan’s. What’s up?”
“It seems I’ll see our little poppet later today as well,” he drawls.
“How?” I ask, wondering how he managed to make that happen. We’re all opportunistic fiends.
“Aisling put an ad out for a website designer, and I answered it. I haven’t done one in a while, but I can handle what she and Wren need. We have a meeting at Brewed Awakening today at four in the afternoon.”
Planning that meeting into my day, I nod. I can hit the courthouse as my last stop, and still pick her up. I just need to see if she has anything else planned. Aisling Sullivan is a hard worker and packs everything possible into her days.
Hmm… maybe I can drop her off some lunch too.
“You’re a sneaky bastard,” I tease Caelin. “When did she post the ad?”
“Last night is what it said,” he says. “Can’t have anyone else around our poppet if we can help it. Some of the website designers push all the bells and whistles, and then charge a fortune for shit work. Evan has kept his ear to the ground while he’s been following her. Apparently, there are people who aren’t fond of the work Wren and Aisling are doing.”
“Of course not,” I grunt. “It’s easier for the shit landlords if they can charge whatever they want, and for those who want the status quo to stay the same. People like Ophelia who can pick up little omegas she thinks no one will care about either. Fucking pisses me off.”
“You’re not wrong, but you’re getting all fired up,” Caelin warns. “I have a feeling our poppet is a bit sensitive to mood, so chill out.”
“You’re right,” I sigh. “Treat our girl well today. See you later.”
Hanging up, I listen to death metal to fix my mood, which works surprisingly well. Pulling up to a huge gate, I shake my head at how over the top these alphas are about security. Based on Wren’s past and having been kidnapped last year, I probably would be the same though.
As far as I know, they own a lot of the property surrounding their house, so they can’t be snuck up on. Pack Mohan semi-retired as Corbin’s executioners, but they’ve made a lot of enemies over time.
Aisling is as safe as she can ever be behind that gate.
Cutting the music, I roll down the window and hit the call button.
“Who the fuck are you?” an alpha snarls, making me smirk. It sounds like Shaw, who is grumpy most of the time. At least, whenever I see him at events, anyway.
“Domhnall from Pack Hayes,” I grunt. “I’m here to pick Aisling up per her father’s request.”
I sound absurdly formal, but it’s my typical gut reaction whenever someone is acting like an asshole.
“God, they sent the lawyer,” Shaw groans before the gate starts to open.
Rolling my eyes, I ease through the opening as soon as there’s room, driving up the long driveway. The plow hasn’t been down this way, which means they’ll also have to shovel their own driveway. It’s fucking massive. I do not envy them.
My leather gloved hands grab the bag filled with Aisling’s clothes as I park, and I have to keep myself from opening it and breathing her scent in like a creeper. I resemble what the word represents, but I’m trying to curb my baser instincts today. Baby steps, after all.
Turning off the truck, I open the door and climb out, trudging through the snow up to the front door. It opens before I can knock, and Everest stands there with a smirk, holding his hand out for it.
“You drew the short card?” he asks. “Aisling, your bag has arrived!”
“I swear, I’m going to have to keep a change of clothes in the car from now on,” she grumbles, her hand reaching out for it before she disappears.
Brow raised in amusement, I try to look around him to see where she ran off to. Everest leans in the direction so I can’t see shit, and I huff in annoyance.
“She’s not a morning person, even though she’s typically up early,” he offers. “We’ll send her out with coffee so she’s in a better mood.”
“I can pick some up with her,” I offer, but Everest shakes his head.
“Nah, she needs a cup while she’s getting ready, and then a cup of coffee after,” he explains.
“I’m bringing her up a muffin and coffee,” Flynn says, though I only see a glimpse of his red hair.
“Does she stay here often?” I ask, surprised by how well they know her.
“I don’t know what your deal is, but if you’re courting her, I need you to understand that she’s practically family to us,” Everest says, his face going blank.
I’ve heard that he’s the most jovial of the alphas, but I think it’s a mask that hides what I see now. Death, with colorless blue eyes that seem to go on forever. He’s the one people should worry about.
“I am,” I tell him honestly. “Our schedules haven’t aligned, so we haven’t had a chance to spend as much time together as I’d like. Mr. Sullivan asking me to pick her up works well for me.”
I will always be respectful of my position as the boss’ lawyer, regardless of what I call him in private or in my head. The families all talk, interact, and work together. I don’t know Pack Mohan well enough to relax around them, and there are very few people I trust.
Everest nods sharply, glancing over his shoulder at something.
“She’ll be out shortly,” he grunts, shutting the door in my face.
I didn’t really think I’d be invited in, but for fuck’s sake. Returning to the truck, I crank up the heater in an effort to get warm. When the door opens again twenty-five minutes later, I jump out to help Aisling to the truck.
While I parked as close as possible, the snow is still piled high.
Her coat is bundled tightly around her and she starts to slowly walk down the steps.
“Stop!” I bark, just short of an alpha bark. “Please. The snow is insane right now.”
Putting her hand on her hip, she shrugs. “I still have to walk through it, Domh. Also, good morning to you too.”
“Good morning, Sugar,” I tell her when I’m in front of her, my mouth by the shell of her ear before I sweep her off her feet into my arms.
It may be a bit cliched, but the answering gasp makes my entire fucking day. All I can smell is the scent of sugar cookies as she holds tightly to her bags. Walking carefully through the snow, I’m glad for the boots I chose to wear today.
Holding her with one arm, I grab the handle of my truck door, pulling it open.
“Your chariot awaits,” I state with a chuckle.
“Well that’s one way to pick her up,” Ambrose says from the door. “Did you finish your coffee?”
“Most of it,” she calls over her shoulder as I place her carefully on the seat. “Thanks for everything, Amb!”
“Eh, it’s no big deal,” he says with a smile. “You have precious fucking cargo, Domh. Take care of her.”
The front door slams closed as Aisling snickers and I shake my head.
“You have some interesting friends, baby,” I murmur, closing the door carefully before walking around the truck to climb into my seat.
“They’re the best, though,” Aisling says once I close the door.
“They seem to adore you, and that’s enough for me,” I tell her, putting the truck into drive.
It’s toasty warm since I never turned off the engine, and Aisling melts into her seat. At these close quarters, she would be showing signs of being my scent match if she wasn’t wearing her special gel.
While I’m a little disappointed, I can acknowledge that it’s not the right time for her to know yet.
“What’s your plan today?” I ask. Noticing her confused look, I try again as I drive carefully off Pack Mohan property. “You’re stuck with me, Sugar. I have errands all day in Minneapolis, and want to make sure I end my day when you do.”
“Oh,” she says. “I have a few appointments today, work at Omega’s Haven, and then a meeting with a website designer with Wren. I was just going to catch a ride home with her and whoever drives her in. I think she mentioned Ambrose. We only have Shaw moderate meetings when we need him to both scare and awe people.”
It’s the reason that Corbin would bring Shaw in to be his closer at meetings. He’s scary smart. I’ve sat in on a few meetings with Cian that involved Corbin, and I have to say that it’s a great strategy.
“It’s probably what I would do too,” I say with a smirk. “My motivation is completely selfish. I want to take you out for dinner once you’re done and hang out. Is that okay?”
“I think I’m good with you hijacking my ride,” she says with a giggle. God, she has no idea how close to the truth that is.
We’re going to be hijacking a lot of things soon.
“Good,” I murmur. “Tell me about these errands.”
“I have my first therapy appointment with a new doctor,” she says with a sigh. “She’s already working with Omega’s Haven as a therapist, so I’m going to give her a try. It seems a little hypocritical to recommend her otherwise.”
Thinking about the way she jumps into so many things in the name of Omega’s Haven, I nod. Cupid’s Call, therapy, I wonder if there’s anything she wouldn’t do for the omegas who come to them for help.
“I don’t know that it would be hypocritical,” I murmur. “I think it’s admirable that you’re willing to face whatever demons you may have, though. Whenever I hear you talk about Omega’s Haven, you light up. It’s clear you’ve found your passion, which isn’t something very many people can say.”
“I love helping people, knowing that I’m setting things in place that will continue when I’m not,” she says. “Not that I’m planning on going anywhere, but what’s a legacy without that? Everyone has a story, something they’re trying to overcome, and having a safe space to do that means a lot.”
Aiden told us about how she was sleeping in parks, and I’m glad once again that I killed her past landlord. God, I hope the pigs ate well that day.
“What is your favorite part of your days?” I ask her.
“Being able to add another piece to the puzzle to our resources,” Aisling says. “Especially when it’s because someone staying at Omega’s Haven steps up to help. Yesterday, I was saying that I needed to set up childcare for those that want to start looking for work, and one of our residents that just graduated from college said she’d put it together. It gets exhausting sometimes setting everything up.”
“So your love language is acts of service is what you’re telling me,” I say to her. My mother did a deep dive into that book, and I have to say that some of it rubbed off.
My lips curl into a smile at Aisling’s wide eyed look of shock.
“I listen to people for a living, Aisling,” I rumble. “Finding the lies, the loopholes, the truth. Those are the things I do every day for your father. Being able to inspire people to step up is a big deal. You should feel really good about that.”
Flushing, she nods, and all I can smell is her sweet scent. Inhaling deeply, I navigate the snowy roads to Minneapolis, glancing at her from time to time to admire how beautiful she looks. She’s wearing thick black tights under a dark-green sweater dress. A gray coat is thrown over it all, with black, sturdy boots on her feet.
Forcing my eyes back to the road, I imagine what it would be like to tear her tights open as I grind her over my cock. God, there are so many things I want to do to her, starting with tasting and devouring her lips.
“You have been a tease, Aisling,” I growl, enjoying the shiver she gives next to me. “These little skirts you’ve been texting me just make me want to attach myself like a barnacle to your pretty little thighs. So, I’m going to be seeing you as much as possible today. Do you need another coffee before I drop you off?”
“No, talking to you has helped to wake me up,” she says with a giggle. “Dr. Alys’ is up on Fortbright and 5th street. I would say I didn’t mean to be a tease, but I unapologetically was.”
“Are you not getting enough attention from these dates you’ve been going on?” I ask. “Please say no, I don’t want to be responsible for killing anyone.”
“I haven’t really had any more dates,” Aisling says with a shrug. “We had to restructure them a bit, and they stalled out with the holidays.”
“Is it awful that I want to tell you to date me instead?” I ask. “I think the small pieces that you’ve shown me are incredible. Why force things with someone who doesn’t see that?”
“Social experiment?” she asks with a sigh. “I don’t even know if your pack would want me. I come with a lot of baggage, which is why I was only—”
“Only what?” I ask. I know she means that she’s only been looking for someone for her heats, but dammit she deserves so much more than that.
We would support her through her heats, show her how much more we can offer, and probably bite her at the first whine. Fuck. We aren’t good men, but she’s ours.
We’ll play for keeps.
“I started this all to find a pack to help me through my heats,” she says. “Your pack probably deserves more than that.”
“Sugar, there’s nothing wrong with putting out the fire and then figuring out the rest,” I rumble. “You have needs that need to be met. So find alphas willing to meet them without complaint. It really is that simple.”
Pulling up on the street in front of the doctor’s office, I nod at the back seat. “Give me what you don’t want to haul around for the rest of the day, Aisling,” I say, taking the overnight bag she hands me.
Tossing it in the back, I lean forward and cup her cheek. “Have a good day, baby,” I murmur before slanting my lips over hers.
It’s not as deep of a kiss as I’m craving, because if it was, she’d be pulled over the center console and in my lap grinding her pussy on my cock. Still, her surprised moan is incredible as I kiss her, my tongue licking at the inseam of her lips but not any further.
“That’s to show you that I think about you all of the time,” I growl, taking her hand and cupping my cock with it. Her lips part as her pupils grow larger, making me groan as I rock her hand over me.
“Never doubt that I don’t want to see you, text you, talk to you, Aisling. I’m a possessive man. I don’t want to scare you.”
My breath freezes as Aisling squeezes her hand, smiling sweetly even as she pants from kissing me. “Give me all you got, big guy,” she rasps.
Swallowing hard, I watch as she tugs her hand away and opens the door. “I’ll let you know if I need a ride before the end of the day,” she says with a wink.
“Aisling, it’s fucking freezing out,” I snarl. The cold air is already moving through the truck, and her hair is blowing under the hat that she pulls over it.
“I’ve dealt with worse,” she says archly, hopping out of the truck with her bag. Closing the door, Aisling walks quickly into the building, making me sigh.
It’s wrong if I spank Aisling, right? This little omega is going to make me insane.
Text bubbles pop up in my group chat with the guys as I drive to my first appointment. In reality, I know there’s no way I’m going to be her personal chauffeur today, but I’m still mad that she’s planning to walk around the city alone. There are plenty of people rushing through the streets as they go about their business.
I don’t fucking care. I don’t want my girl out in this weather.
Welcome to my life.
I can’t wait to see what you all see. Apparently they’re going to have a guard at my meeting with her, but it’s not any of our guys.
Ambrose is going to be there. He’s just as insane as the others. I may have officially thrown in that we’re courting her.
What?! If she finds out that I’m the pack’s alpha, we’re all fucked.
So we’ll make sure it never comes up. Send me the tracker updates to my phone, please.
Tossing my phone in the cup holder, I get on with the rest of my day.
Therapy was rough today. Dr. Alys doesn’t pull any punches, and I broke down in a sobbing mess, while talking about my mom. The dam I’ve built around living with my dead mother’s body in an attempt to not end up homeless is thin at best. No one should have to choose to sleep across from their dead mother’s body.
I don’t think I ever really processed it because surviving was more important. I talk about it as if it happened to someone else. Even now, I’m in survival mode. Dr. Alys mentioned that it’s in how busy I keep myself so that I’ll be useful to others, the detachment I show, how quick I was to latch onto my father because he desperately wants me in his life.
In a lot of ways, Dad is the reason I’m standing here at all. He won’t let me fall even when I’m exhausted from a bad date, being unable to regulate when my next heat will be. He tells me it’s a normal process of life. I just need to keep moving forward.
That man is worth his weight in gold.
The cold air freezes my tears, and Dr. Alys wouldn’t let me go until I was a little calmer. I need to eat before I meet with a job recruiter that emailed Omega’s Haven. It’s one of the many messages Wren answered yesterday.
Cordelia Emrys wants to help us create a new way of testing for omegas who want to figure out where their interests lie for their career planning. The number one complaint Wren had, when she was trying to rejoin the world after being held as a slave for years, was how much the career aptitude test she took sucked.
It just didn’t work for how an omega’s brain processes things. We hyper fixate, need things in a certain way, and lose several days a month. I’m excited for this meeting, but don’t want to look like a fucking mess for it.
Whenever I cry really hard, I end up feeling shaky afterward. There’s an eatery with to-go breakfast foods around the corner. It’s new, and since it’s still early in the day, perfect as a pick-me-up.
Brushing my scarf over my cheeks, I walk into the restaurant. My eyes and nose probably still look red, but I can blame the weather on it at least. It’s busy this morning, so I get in line to get a bacon and egg tart with tomato relish.
It sounds amazing and filling.
Smiling at the woman working the register, I place an order with a container of orange juice to help raise my blood sugar. I’m going to need some sugar to even myself out. Paying, I turn and almost run into an alpha. I’m wearing my alpha pheromone blocker, which is why I didn’t know I was near Pack Dayton. It’s been about a month and a half since I’ve seen them.
I wish I could have gone longer. Like forever.
They glare at me, and I notice Fredrick’s nose is laying a little more crooked than before. Shame about that ‘accident’.
“Excuse me,” I say with a tight smile, trying to get around them.
“No,” Fredrick growls. “I think you’re responsible for the streak of bad luck that we’ve been having.”
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about,” I tell him. “Maybe you should reevaluate how you speak to people. Your luck could turn around.”
Ugh, I’m never going to be able to come here again. Thankfully, there’s nothing in my hands, and my knife is fastened to my thigh, like it always is. Even though it’s frigid out, Dad knows I like to wear skirts and dresses, so I can wear my knife.
“No, you need to turn it around,” Taylor roars, grabbing my arm as I attempt to pass by.
I don’t even hesitate as he pulls me back, trying to break my arm. Pulling my knife and opening it with a flick of my wrist, I shove my hand between his legs so he can feel the sharpness of my blade.
“I think you need to let go,” I growl. “You’re going to forget my name, or I will send someone to cut your dicks from your bodies in the middle of the night. You will never be the same again, and they will make sure you live, Taylor. What kind of choice are we making here?”
“You’re fucking crazy,” Harold snarls, eyes wide as he sees where my hand is. “Maybe we really should have sold you.”
I’m sorry, what?
“Yes, because that should be the response when a date doesn’t go as planned,” I grunt, letting my knife slip and shoving it deep into Taylor’s pelvis.
“Miss, do you need help?” someone yells and I nod.
“Yes please!” I scream, playing the weak omega as I pull my knife out of Taylor and clean it on his fancy sweater.
Clearly, their luck isn’t that terrible based on their clothing. They still look like they’re doing just fine. Hiding my knife, I stomp on Taylor’s foot until he finally releases me.
“Get out of my establishment,” a burly alpha says, bustling out from around the counter. He shoves them in front of him, while Taylor screams and tells people I stabbed him.
I wonder what their social media posts will say now?
Turning, I escape to the bathroom to wash my hands and knife. Thankfully, it’s empty, and I lock myself in to clean up quickly. There isn’t any blood on my dress, so the real test will be if Pack Dayton gets anyone to believe them.
Drying my hands, I text my dad quickly.
I kind of sort of stabbed someone, Dad.
Did they deserve it? Do you need me to send Domhnall to you?
God, I don’t know what I did to get him as my father.
Yes and not yet. I ran into Pack Dayton. I’ll update you in a few minutes.
Shoving my phone back into my bag, I unlock the door and slip out. I may be dramatic, but it looks perfectly normal in the hallway. There aren’t any cops, and the man who owns this eatery isn’t waiting for me either.
Walking around the corner, I see business as usual happening, and check to see if my number has been called. The owner catches my eye, moving quickly in my direction.
“Are you alright?” he asks gruffly.
“I am now,” I tell him with a nod. “I went on a date with them and it didn’t go the way they planned. I may have lost my head when they said they should have sold me.”
Growling, he turns to his staff and announces that the pack is no longer welcome here.
“I hope you stabbed deep, girlie,” he mutters. “Your order is up next. Please, stay out of trouble.”
Grinning, I nod as he hands me my order and orange juice.
“I plan to, Sir,” I tell him. “Thank you so much.”
Finding a corner of the restaurant, I sit to eat. I was going to take it with me, but my hands are shaking from all the excitement. The tart is perfect, and I hum happily as I eat. Checking my phone, I remember that I need to update my dad, but there’s a slew of other messages coming in.
Do you need me, Sugar? I heard you might.
My pussy chooses this very inopportune moment to clench down on nothing, slicking. Extra strength panties win today, though I shudder as I remember the way his soft, firm lips felt on mine.
The owner threw him out. My knife may have slipped and slid just past an alpha’s dick.
Damn, Sugar, we need to do something about your aim.
Snickering, I shake my head as I chew my next bite. There’s nothing wrong with my aim.
Ais, I need some words please.
The owner threw the pack out, and told me to enjoy my breakfast. They’re banned from returning. No cops called, no crazy drama.
What’s the name of the place you’re at?
Eat Sweet is the name of the restaurant. They’re very nice, Dad.
I plan to show my appreciation that they helped you, my daughter. I’m glad you’re okay.
Amused that he wasn’t more up in arms, I finish my food and drink my juice. Time to get this show on the road. It’s only eleven in the morning, and I’m already stabbing people.
Hopefully, the day chills the fuck out.
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