Chapter 16

Few eyes turned to us in interest. I shuffled nervously on my feet. I tried to tug my arm but he held on firmly.

"You're hurting me" I said lowly knowing he heard me. He released his grip and pulled me into him, his arms around my waist. His breath mingled with mine. A low growl sounded behind us. He turned me so my back was against his chest. I looked up to see a furious Thane with his arm candy. I quickly looked at my feet.

"Brother" his deep voice sent shivers down my spine. It had been so long since I heard it. Wait a minute. Brother?

"It's been a while. Two or three centuries?"

"Four centuries"

"Ah.. that's right four centuries." The tension between these two could be cut with a knife. They stood for a while without saying anything. We had caught the attention of a better part of the guests. I reached to scratch my mark.

"The lady is uncomfortable" yes I am.

"She doesn't look uncomfortable. She feels comfortable. Soft and feminine."

"If you'll look closely she has a mark." Thane gritted.

"Her mate must be a fool to let her wander about." He sniffed my neck. "If you were mine, I'll never let you leave my sight. I'll lock you up in a tower where only I can see you." He trailed his fingers down my arms. "I bet you taste as good as you smell." I blushed and Thane growled loudly. The guests looked on at us. I detached myself from him and bowed.

"I beg to take my leave" I bowed and took my leave. I ran up the stairs and took off the hateful dress. I tossed it to the floor and entered the bathroom. I stripped and entered the tub. I lay there thinking of what my life had become.

I opened my eyes as hands lifted me. I shivered at the cold. He stood me gently on my feet and wiped me. He unbuttoned his shirt and placed it on my shoulders. I put my hands through the sleeves and he buttoned it. He lifted me and placed me on the bed. I turned on my side. I felt the bed dip and the covers over me. He pulled me into his chest. We lay in silence listening to each others heartbeats.

"Catalina died in that room." I listened intently. "Nothing has been moved from its place since she died. I didn't want her scent to leave the room. That night was the eve of the day she died. I wasn't thinking."

"I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be. You did nothing wrong. I'm sorry I lost it." I nodded.

"How did she die?" he stiffened.

"Y-you don't have to answer that."

"She was poisoned. Silver."

"I thought silver doesn't kill lycans."

"It doesn't. She was a werewolf." Who would dare to poison the king's mate?

"Blithe. A cheerful woman with a dark soul. A half-breed. They were friends." That explains his hate for half-breeds.

"What happened to her?"

"I killed her. Ripped her heart out of her chest." He stayed silent after that.

"Stay away from Eridian."who is that?

"My brother." Oh... That was the name of the creepy man from downstairs. But if they were brothers why were they tense around each other? I wanted to ask more questions but decided against it. He had shared a lot this night. I didn't want to push him too far. I snuggled into his chest and enjoyed his comfort. He might be cold tomorrow. I wanted to enjoy the moment while it lasted. I fell asleep to his steady heartbeat.

When I woke up, Thane wasn't in the room. The curtains were open and sunlight rays fell on the bed. The bedcovers fell to my waist as I stretched. I looked at the figure seated at my window seat.

"Finally awake I see" the same creepy voice from yesterday. Eridian.

"This room reeks of Alcius." I stood at the foot of the bed still not responding. In a flash he was in my face. He trailed his fingers down my arms. I moved away from him.

"I'm marked. My mate wouldn't want you here"

"Oh... Alcius wouldn't mind sharing you. After all, he took mine away"


"Step away from her Eridian." Thane said with a thick gravelly voice. He stood at the door, fists clenched.

"I was just getting to know her. I didn't get that opportunity yesterday."

"You can do that without making her uncomfortable."

"She's not complaining"

"I am now." I mumbled quietly.

"Ah.. the beauty speaks." He adjusted his suit and buttoned it. He stopped in front of Thane.

"Be careful with this one. She's more fragile than the last." Was that a threat?

"I told you to stay away from him"

"He came into my room." how was that my fault? I went into the bathroom to shower. When I came out he was gone. Althea stood at the mirror admiring the necklace.

"This is beautiful." I laughed.

"Are you okay now? You gave us a fright."

"I'm fine. Have you seen Lily around?"

"The doormat? I did see her. She was receiving a scolding though."

"That's not nice. Lily is not a doormat she's just fragile."

"Whatever you say"

I spent the day in the library reading about lycans and werewolves. I just finished reading a book about their history. It wasn't very detailed. I returned the book to the shelf when the doors opened. A blue dress stood with her head bowed.

"His majesty has requested your presence at the dinner hall." It was dinner time already. I took in my attire a blue sleeveless dress with sandals. I followed her into the hall. The table was full. I recognised a few faces. The rest of the table looked at me as I sat down. A few murmured as I sat down on the seat at the right hand of the king. The king banged his hands on the table and silence fell.

"I want to officially introduce you all to my mate, Esmeralda" this was his first time saying my name. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Your queen" and that was when all hell broke loose.

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