Indebted to the Mafia King

Messed Up


It's been a couple of days since I sent Chloe, Ellie, and Nicky to Vermont along with several of my men. I knew she'd be pissed at me the moment I told her the news, but it didn't go the way I planned. It was way worse. I wasn't expecting her to be so concerned about me, wanting to check on my wound, and then blaming herself for what had happened. I was really mad at her for doing so, but mostly, I was mad at myself for not having the situation controlled.

When I got into this to protect her, I expected Mateo to act faster. His silence lately was bothering me immensely, and when I got caught off guard at the deli's, I was fucking furious for being so stupid and unprepared. Chloe got to me at such a vulnerable moment, and I wasn't planning on being harsh or even rude to her. But that's how it ended up being.

The look of disappointment and sadness that crossed her face when I told her I was sending her to Vermont will never leave my nightmares. I hated myself for it, but deep down I knew it was the best-if not the only-choice I had. But then she had to bring up my feelings for her, and I almost lost it. I almost allowed myself to tell her what I really feel. Thankfully, I managed to keep my mouth shut. I have so much shit on my plate right now, I can't think about this-about us-or even allow myself to pay attention to anything other than my duty.

I'm pulled back to reality when I hear my phone buzzing on my desk, Sal's name flashing before my eyes.

"Yes?" I answer, anxious, if not desperate, for some action. That will help me vent some of my pent up frustration.

Ever since the incident with Mateo's men outside of the deli, I made sure my guys increased the search around the territory for any leads that will take me to him, but we've been unsuccessful until now.

"We got two of them, Boss," Sal informs me bluntly. My heartbeat spikes up and I'm on my feet in a second, gathering my car keys from the table and rushing out of the office. "We have them at our bar on West 49th."

"I'm coming," I reply, already climbing into my car and starting the ignition.

My veins are pumping with adrenaline by the time I get to the bar and park in the side alley. My guys are already waiting for me at the back door, and I storm inside, itching for a fight. Not having Chloe and Ellie near is driving me insane and my darkest demons are just waiting for a reason and an opportunity to lash out.

I guess tonight's the night I'll vent some of my anger.

"Hey, Boss," Sal greets me as soon as he spots me.

The bar is already crowded even though it's a weekday, but none of this is surprising to me. People just have so much shit to deal with daily, I don't blame them for wanting some alcohol during the week to keep them going. "Where are they?" I ask straightforwardly, not wanting to go through formalities.

Sal gestures with his head toward the back door and I follow him, cracking my knuckles as we go. This bar is boxed up, too small for my taste. The hallways are narrow, and the rooms cramped, and we need to walk in line so as not to bump into each other.

He takes me to a dark room I assume is used as storage, filled with kraft boxes and unopened bottles. I have only been here once before it opened, so I had no idea what the manager had done with this place until now.

But I also don't have time to take in my surroundings or care about the lame and lazy way he is keeping the expensive shit here. Two guys strung up by a rope tied to the iron ceiling is the only thing my eyes can focus on at this moment. They've been beaten up pretty badly, one of them barely awake, but I stride forward, my footsteps echoing loudly in the packed room.

"I assume you're here because your boss is too fucking scared to come over himself," I note, my tone bitter and barely restrained.

My hands are shaking and my blood is pumping in my ears, but I need to control myself so I get something out of these bastards. Otherwise, this will be a wasted opportunity to get closer to Mateo and end this shit once and for all. The man on my right, the one who looks about to faint, chuckles, his shoulders shaking slightly as he tries to look up at me. Both his eyes are swollen and he is drooling blood, but he seems sassy enough to laugh at me in such a state. "You don't think you're in a shitty position to be laughing at me right now?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"This one is fucking daring, Boss," Sal informs from behind me. "It took us a little work to get him, that's why he looks like this."

I get what he's saying. The guy does look like he's been hit pretty bad, but I can understand my men having to handle him in a different way for not being...cooperative.

"Should we try a little harder then?" I suggest with a grin on my lips.

The guy to my left winces at my suggestion, and I turn to focus my attention on him.

"Unless you want to cooperate with me?" I add, taking a couple of steps forward, my nose inches away from his. The smell of blood is nauseating, but also tempting. "It's your choice. Either you tell me where to find your boss or I'll give you some peace at last. Although, I don't think Hell has any of that to offer you."

The guy chokes on a sob, and his stupid partner laughs again, straightening up and lifting his chin. I turn swiftly, punching him in the gut before he has the chance to laugh at me again. I am so fucking tired of this game, frustrated for not getting anywhere near Mateo. I have no patience or time to deal with this.

The man spits blood on the floor, too close to my shoes, and I swallow, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Then, in a blink of an eye, I unholster my gun and aim for his head, pulling the trigger without a second thought. He wouldn't give me any information. I know his type.

If I can get anything at all from anyone, it will be his scared partner who is now crying after seeing me kill his friend beside him.

"I will give you one more chance. Either you give me something or you'll follow your friend," I warn in a low snarl.

"I don't know where he is," he manages to choke out. "He doesn't speak to us directly. He gives orders through our superiors," the man tells me, his voice weak and cracking.

It makes me pity him, but I've lived this life enough to know better. He's young and could probably have a better life if he had the chance, but sometimes it just isn't possible. It's all about the opportunities we're given, not just the choices we make. Most of us don't even have one. Most of us fall into this hellhole and never manage to get out.

It's sad, but it's reality.

I don't want to kill him though. I don't doubt what he is telling me is the truth. It will get me nowhere closer to Mateo to end his life either.

So, instead, I decide to send a message through him.

"Since your boss loves messengers, I'll send you back to him with a warning then," I say instead, leaning forward to whisper the message as close as possible for him to hear me clearly. "Tell him if he touches a hair on my wife's or my daughter's head, it will be fucking war. And I won't spare anything or anyone again. I will go to the ends of this earth to get to him, and I will make sure he regrets every single thing he ever did to Chloe. Hear me?"

The man nods eagerly at me, swallowing hard, but hope glimmers deep in his eyes. I know he's seeing a way out, but I doubt Mateo will give him one after he delivers the message. People like him don't get to simply leave.

Without saying another word, I turn on my heel and head out of the room, desperate for a breath of fresh air. The strong, metallic smell of blood is turning my stomach. I should be used to it by now, but no matter how many times I go through this, getting over it is something I never managed to do.

As soon as I'm out on the street, I inhale deeply, feeling the cold breeze of the evening hit me. I run my fingers through my hair frustratedly, considering what to do next.

Everything in my being is yelling at me to go and check on Chloe, but that's the least safe thing to do right now. Mateo is likely watching my every move, and I can't give him an opportunity to get to them.

Also, we left things in a sour mood. She probably hates my guts right now. And no matter how much I want to see Chloe and hold her in my arms, I can't. It pains me to admit that I've fallen for her. I was stupid enough to let that happen. What began as a crush has turned into a fucking tangle of feelings I can't comprehend or control. Things are already hard enough without me having to make it worse by adding my own feelings to the mix.

Continuing to treat this as a fucking business and keep my distance from Chloe is the best thing to do. But it's also fucking hard when my body and heart tells me to go the other way.noveldrama

Checking on her will only make this more confusing-for me and for her. And even though it pains me to go against every cell in my body, it's not fair for me to lead her on or confuse her any further.

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