Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 410

Chapter 410

Even in the distant future, could consciousness be transferred into silicon-based entities, allowing humans to transcend their 'flesh' and become something between machine and man, or even... coexist in a more terrifying state of shared consciousness?

"Hey!" With no time for further thought, I banged hard on the merry-go-round's metal railing, trying to catch the attention of those people.

"Spread out! Draw them away, take them down one by one," I yelled to Robin and Bran.

Bran sprinted in the opposite direction, leaving Robin behind.

Robin glanced at Bran with a mix of frustration and admiration for the younger man's energy.

In a flash, Bran clambered up the slide and then leapt down, tackling one of the chainsaw-wielding attackers from behind.

I rushed over, kicked the chainsaw away, and floored the guy with a solid kick, knocking him out cold.

"Tie him up," I decided. One down.

Behind me, Colin had another masked figure in a chokehold, his eyes gleaming with lethal intent.

"Don't kill," I frowned and shook my head at him.

These people might not be hired assassins.

They seemed... ethereal, as if they were haunted by fear.

"Scream!" A terrible scream echoed as the two with broken legs were discovered by a chainsaw man and mercilessly killed.

Instinctively, I stepped in front of Colin, realizing... subconsciously, I didn't want him to witness the bloodshed.

Just like how Colin had shielded me before.

Colin looked at me, silent.

"Phoebe! Colin, watch out!" Stella's voice came from a hiding spot, her warning sharp.

I turned just in time to see another chainsaw attacker bearing down on us.

Colin and I backed away, trying to figure out how to take them down one by one.

"Hide! That madman's starting again," I guessed, feeling the timing was about right.

Every ten minutes, like clockwork...

"Hope you're having fun, careful now, countdown begins 10, 9, 8....."

Sure enough, that eerie voice filled the air again, and as the countdown ended, the floor opened up once more.

This time, three masked figures fell through.

They were mutilated by the trap, silent in their demise.

I watched Colin warily, pulling him back as we retreated.

After two occurrences, it was clear: the trapdoors were marked by dark-colored panels.

"Even their own?" Dexter had dealtnoveldrama

with another masked figure and



"Something's off with


"Indeed..." I reached out and ripped off the mask of one, gasping at the sight.

Their mouths... all sewn shut, bloodied and brutal.

"The victims are also victims..." Colin's voice was hoarse. "These must be from the Gene-Forge Collective." Damian's people.

Sure enough, I found that tattoo behind their ears. "Criminal thugs probably sent to catch a serial killer, but ended up being caught to fight us in this twisted game."


"It's becoming clear now, the human trafficking ring and this so-called gene engineering crime syndicate, are in cahoots," Dexter said, his gaže complex. "Phoebe... after the incident, I've been investigating... The truth I found was both shocking and terrifying..."

He was hesitant to reveal the truth, hence the act with Melody, coming here to find the real culprit.

Dexter moved closer to me.

Colin, like a protective wolfhound, stood in front of me.

He still seemed to lack a sense of security, worried I might be taken away.

My gaze felt numb, shifting between Colin and Dexter.

Love... what does it taste like? I seemed still a bit lost...

Was it pain, or happiness? Was it Colin, or Dexter...

"Help me!" Then, Annora's cries for help and sobs broke through my thoughts.

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