Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

My Twins Baby 87

Xander POV

I knew that Malcolm would come through for us. There was never any doubt in my mind. I lowered my eyes to rest upon Regan whose breathing had become increasingly steadier over the last hour, her injuries beginning to heal so that her back was no longer as bloody, even though she continued to wear the ripped shirt and clothes from before. She looked almost peaceful while sleeping, her eyes closed, and her head turned to the side. Her small whimpers of pain had ceased, heard even while she was unconscious, and her thrashing had also stopped suddenly. I was glad, kneeling beside her and trailing my fingers along her bare arm, wishing I had managed to escape sooner, that we had both escaped sooner in order to prevent her from feeling such pain.

Then there was the question of what to do with Isabelle. Part of me wanted to kill her for what she had done to Regan, to my mate, but another part of me was torn and felt as though I was being pulled in two different directions. How could I kill the woman who continued to bear, if it was to be believed, my child in her womb? Could I kill that child knowing that I was incidentally its biological father? It had done no wrong but its mother on the other hand was a different story.... I shook my head, confused and wishing that I had an answer that solved all of my problems. Right now, I needed to focus on how we would get the vial to our father, anxiously waiting for Malcolm to mind-link us. If he didn't, Xavier had stated he was going to leave and I glanced out the window, recognizing that the time would come sooner than anticipated. I didn't want Xavier to put

himself in danger but at the same time I knew that there was no other choice and that eventually one of us was going to have to do what was necessary if we were to get this pack back under our leadership.

"She's getting better" Xavier's voice is low so as not to disturb Regan while she's continuing to recover.

I nod tightly. "She should never have been whipped let alone hurt in the first place. This is all our fault for failing to protect her."noveldrama

It was a mistake that we would not make again. We would never leave her side this time.

Xavier exhaled. "Those who touched her will pay the price. First we get father back" he said gravely.

But was father even capable of turning back into the man he had been before or was he already lost, I thought to myself?

I opened my mouth to answer Xavier but was interrupted by the mind-link as Malcolm's voice filled my mind, causing my eyes to go cloudy as I began to listen intently.

Alpha's, something is going on. They have discovered that you are both missing and have already sent the men out to go looking for you. Isabelle is particularly angry to find that Regan is no longer locked up at that post. But there is something strange going on as well.... he added sounding mystified.

Do they know that it was you who helped us? I asked him tersely.

I would rather keep him out of danger if it could be avoided. He had done enough for us already. He didn't need to die on our behalf. Not when this involved our family.

No. But what concerns me is the lack of care that Heather Ramona appears to be showing, alongside Isabelle. Almost as though they knew this might happen or they have something else up their sleeve. I would have expected them to show more concern or look more panicked he added. Have you managed to lay eyes on our father? Is he safe? Is he alive? I demanded.

He's safe and alive but heavily guarded. He seems to be in a daze. Not himself at all Malcolm reported grimly and he seems to be unaware of what is going on, or at least that's how it appears on the surface.

We can't afford to wait anymore. Any longer and father is going to be lost to us and that antidote will no longer work 1 thought to both Xavier and Malcolm, who reluctantly agreed on of us is going to have to risk it. It should be me or Xavier as t was our father who was under the influence of a herb and using all of this trouble. We should be the ones to fix the problem at the source. It was only right. But Malcolm disagreed

Give the vial to me Malcolm suggested Surely, I can find a way to drop it into a drink or something? That way nobody gets suspicious and you can come out of hiding and begin to take back the pack alongside your father who will surely help you.

Come here then Malcolm and we'll pass it over. I don't like the idea of you doing it I added glancing at Xavier and raising a brow but it might be our only chance. We can't move Regan and the mind-link abruptly cut off mid-sentence. I tried to get hold of Malcolm desperately but to no avail. He wasn't answering I tried again and again, only to be met with silence. Had he put up a block? But why? Was it to keep himself safe or had he been discovered? I felt my chest tighten in fear.

"I can't reach him either" Xavier's voice is dark "and I don't sense a block. Something's happened" he added moodily "We should have known it was only a matter of time until they got to Malcolm as well."

"What? He was certain nobody suspected him. Maybe he's had to cut it off before he was seen" I argued back softly, refusing to believe Xavier.

I didn't want to lose my friend. He was the only one who had proved to be reliable during this whole thing. Without Malcolm...I didn't even want to think about how I would feel without him, I was under the assumption he'd been forced to cut off the mind link in order to protect himself and that Xavier was overreacting.

Xavier shakes his head. "We should move," he said, getting straight up and to his feet.

"You're being foolish. Nobody knows we're here" I hissed in denial, but he was shaking his head adamantly. "Malcolm simply had to shut us out, it's not a big deal."

Wasn't it? If Malcolm was in trouble, we would sense it. Or he would have spat that out before something happened.

Surely that was all that had happened? But Xavier looked on the verge of panic as he began to kneel and gently waken a sleeping, Regan. He was careful as he gently began to shake her, not wanting to cause her further pain, aware that she was still healing. "Regan" he whispered, "we have to move pet. Come on" he urged.

A knock on the door had us turning our heads. Fear swept through me. The only person who knew of our exact location was Malcolm. He was the one who had led us directly here and unless he had divulged that to another party, that had to be him outside the door. Maybe everything was fine and I was just feeling this way because of Xavier I thought trying to push my instincts aside.

I moved to push the furniture aside and free the door, but Xavier gripped my arm and squeezed it tightly in warning. "Are you stupid?" he snarled "I still can't reach him; his mind is like a blank canvas" he added with a growl.

I tried once more to reach Malcolm and once again there was nothing. But Malcolm's voice came from the other side of the door. "Let me in. We haven't got much time. They're coming. They know I helped you escape, and they want blood. Let me in before it's too late!" he pleaded "I saved your lives, remember: I can't mind-link you because they've drugged me but It's me" he urged.

He had saved our lives; we couldn't turn our backs on him now. We owed him. I glanced at Xavier and saw that he had flattened his lips. A glance at Regan showed she had gone back to sleep. I pushed the furniture aside and prayed I hadn't made a mistake. Slowly the door creaked open, and Xavier and I took a giant step back. Just in time too.

The sight that met us made my blood curdle and I fought back the urge to vomit. The door barged wide open, causing us both to flinch. Malcolm was on the other side, or at least part of him was. I stared in disbelief at his severed head, held in one 09:12 Wed, Jan 13

hand, the blood dripping freshly from his neck. He had only just been killed recently. It explained why his mind-block had been cut off so abruptly. He had been taken unawares. His mouth that had never been heard.

was partly open in A My hands clenched into fists and my nails dug into the palms of my hands as I struggled to contain my anger, knowing that losing control would not do any good right now except to make hyself morrable. Xavier sucked in a breath. Neither fus had expected to see who was holding Malcolm's body part his fist, standin

so nonchalantly as though he had done nothing wrong or as though he was enjoying our reaction. For a moment all I could do was stare in shock, before moving protectively in front of Regan in case she woke up, not wanting her to see what we had. I was grateful she hadn't woken to see such a gruesome sight as it was. I swallowed past the lump in my throat, grieving the loss of a good friend and a man who had proved himself to be loyal until the very end. Malcolm had deserved better than this and from the man he had no doubt respected all his life. The man tossed Malcolm's head into the room carelessly. It rolled and ended up at the back wall, staring blankly up at the ceiling. The man tilted his head and smiled; his eyes curiously blank.

"Father," I said, swallowing hard "what have you done?" I asked, staring at him in horror.

He had never taken a life so casually as he had taken one now. What's worse is that he seemed to have enjoyed it. I felt sick. "Killed one of my enemies" he answered, stepping into the room and looming over us "he was coming to help you kill me and I couldn't have that" he shook his head, a small smile curving on his lips. "I have to protect my mate" he added, puffing out his chest "and my daughter."

"We're your sons," Xavier said, looking up at our father with narrowed eyes "don't you care about us?"

"You are enemies" he repeated, his voice almost monotone "who needed to be taken care of to guarantee the safety of my mate and the pack. I have no sons" he added, staring at both of us curiously "Only my mate and daughter."

"He's forgotten us," Xavier said, looking at me. "What do we do?"

A growl from our father had us both scrambling to move in front of our own mate.

"I am not your father. I shall dispense of you both today and protect the woman I love. Now" he bellowed "which of you is going to fight me or shall I fight the two of you cowards together"

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