Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

My Twins Baby 90

Chapter 90 Chapter 90noveldrama

Xander POV

72% +13

Was she insane? I couldn't believe how quickly she flung herself out of the window, a look of determination on her face. Xavier was going to kill me for allowing her to not only get her hands on the vial, the antidote but allowing her to put herself in danger like this. I stared blindly out the window, stunned, before I acted, jumping out myself and shifting. Regan was like a woman possessed though, her hair billowing behind her, her eyes focussed on the wolves in front of her, her legs pumping like crazy as she ran directly for them. What was she planning to do? Why wasn't she running the opposite way? Did she have a plan that we didn't know about or was she about to do something unbelievably reckless? It wouldn't surprise me, given all the other stunts she had pulled, but none of them had been as dangerous as this. She was going to die and it was going to be because of me. I should never have allowed her to jump through that window. I should have anticipated what she was going to do.

I wasn't going to make it to her in time. She had too much of a lead. I could see realization dawn on Xavier's face as he saw Regan and attempted to get to her as well. Neither of us could have anticipated that she would fling herself directly into the path of our father's wolf and stand there, challenging him to attack her. He had already killed Malcolm who had been innocent of any wrongdoing. If our father got his jaws around her neck, he wouldn't hesitate to kill her too, regardless of who she was. He wasn't himself right now and no amount of pleading was going to persuade him to change his mind. We couldn't even mind-link him. It was as though his mind was completely lost to us.

Regan, I screamed inwardly, my paws thudding along the ground. I could see the sinister grin on my father's wolf as he saw her, his attention switching from Xavier's wolf to Regan who had for some unknown reason, remained in her human form and was refusing to shift into her wolf form which would at least grant her some protection. She was vulnerable as a human. She stood there, resolute, even as my father began to bear down on her, frothing at the mouth. He was quick, so fast that he was almost a blur. My heart began to beat wildly in my chest. This was it. I was about to lose my mate and it was because of my own stupidity. Xavier was never going to forgive me for this. I could feel myself staring at Regan in horror, watching as though it was happening in slow motion as my father snarled, opening his jaws wide, about to sink them into her. I saw Regan move, her arm flinging forward as she flung something into his mouth. I frowned, confused, even as my father suddenly halted in his tracks, but not before knocking Regan to the ground, hard, sending her sprawling backward as she fell and rolled in the dirt. He suddenly began to gag, violently dry retching. What had Regan done to him? Whatever it was, it was having one hell of an effect on my father.

My eyes widened as realization dawned. Regan had flung the vial, glass and all, directly into my father's mouth. She had taken the risk to get him to swallow it whole and almost died in the process. The foolish girl. I watched in disbelief as my father collapsed to the ground, still dry retching, his tail thumping the ground, his eyes going from black to his normal color, and his body shuddering violently. I shifted to my human form, keeping a wary eye on my father who didn't appear to be in a condition to fight, and quickly knelt by Regan who was curled up in a fetal position and panting heavily. There was no doubt in my mind that she had been injured when she got knocked over.

"Are you okay?" I asked, even as I frowned my disapproval at her

She gave me a grim smile. "I think so. He knocked the wind out of me and I think one or two of my ribs are broken but otherwise, I'm fine" she coughed, sounding as though it was nothing.

"What the hell did you think you were doing?" we both winced at the sound of Xavier's furious tone of voice, turning our heads to see him striding towards us both in his human form. He strode forward, his eyes blazing. He took no notice of our father in the background, glowering at the two of us as I swallowed hard.

I didn't blame him for being furious. In fact, he was remarkably composed given the circumstances. I was almost impressed at how much he was holding back.

"I was saving you," Regan said stubbornly, refusing to be cowed, even as Xavier's eyes narrowed further in disbelief.

It was entirely the wrong thing to say to Xavier while he was in this mood. It just further provoked his anger.

"Saving us?" he spat out incredulously, "You almost died" he roared. "Do you have any idea how close you came?" he demanded, his tone glacial "I wasn't going to make it to you in time. Xander wasn't going to make it in time. If Father's jaws


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clamped down on you...." he shook his head, his fury visible, the vein in his neck practically pulsing with rage.

I tried not to look at him, hoping to be spared from his anger and knowing he would turn on me eventually.


"I knew that could happen, but I couldn't let any of you be hurt. I couldn't let you fight your father. He's all you have left" Regan whispered, her voice cracking slightly, and I couldn't believe my ears.

That was why she'd made such a huge sacrifice? Because she couldn't bear to see us fighting our own flesh and blood? I stared at her, stunned. Every time I thought I had Regan figured out, she continued to surprise me. Xavier looked exasperated, his hands clenching into tight fists as he struggled to maintain his composure. Any minute now and he was going to lose control, I thought, surprised he hadn't done so already.

"That was our decision. Our priority was protecting you, not you protecting us" he bellowed, still angry."You're our Luna, our mate. We would die for you. We didn't ask for you to do the same" he roared.

"Xavier," I said, tentatively putting a hand on his shoulder as he turned to me, his jaw clenched, "I get that you're angry, but you need to calm down. Regan's hurt" I added, in an attempt to distract him, and saw the anger fade from his face as he carefully knelt next to her, his hand beginning to lightly smooth over her as he felt her for injuries.

Thank god it had worked. He was now concerned about Regan instead. I exhaled in relief.

"Where's it hurt?" he asked tightly, daring her to lie to him.


Thankfully Regan wasn't about to be foolish this time.

"My ribs" Regan answered truthfully, even as she glanced at our father's wolf which had gone strangely silent, its body shuddering every so often "I think they are broken, but shouldn't you be checking on your father?" she asked as Xavier picked her up and placed her ever so gently back on her feet. "Right now, he's in no condition to fight us," I said studying the wolf which now had its eyes closed, "and other than that shuddering, nothing else is happening. Do you think we were too late?" I asked in fear.

"I don't know," Xavier said quietly "but it's doing something. Isn't that a good sign?"

Regan put her arms around herself, shivering slightly. Xavier instantly put his arm around her, drawing her towards him to lend her his body heat.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, ducking her head "I thought that if I threw it into his mouth, that might be enough..." she trailed


"You did what you had to" I answered, stepping closer, "And you managed to do what we couldn't" I added feeling torn. Regan had performed a miracle, showing how selfless she was once more. Xavier and I shot each other glances, even as we moved to wedge our mate in between us. If this didn't work, if the shuddering had been consumed too late, then any moment now, our father would no doubt wake back up and the fighting would begin was just a reaction to the vial but the antidote all over again. We prayed that we had gotten to our father in time, staring at his wolf intently, hoping to see a miracle.


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