Stealing the Heart of Mr. Steele

Heart 66


Somehow between my time on the island, my time in the hospital, and my time recovering at home, time has slipped away from me. My belly is still small but now noticeably round. I get stopped when I go out into the neighborhood by little old ladies asking me about the

sex of the baby and the excitement of the father.

"Who is the father, dearie?" Some are even brazen enough to ask. When I answer that my fiance and I are happy about our baby, no we don't know the sex, and yes we're getting married after the baby is born, their smiles switch from judgemental to jubilant as they give me their well wishes and their blessings.

I never thought I'd care so much about what other people think, but now that the truth is obvious, I find myself surprisingly sensitive to how people view me and this baby.

Clark helped me find a local obstetrician. He was there as my fiance during our consultation visit, and our first official exam is tomorrow morning.

Now that I have a new phone, the first thing I did once received an official date and time was send a message to Atlas. I want him with me when we see our baby for the first time. I want him to hear the little heartbeat and take joy in the little miracle that we created together.

But I'm not sure if he will come or not. Between Angelica and work he hasn't had a lot of free time. And when he's come to visit me, it has never been a good time. The only reason I know he's even been by is that each time he comes he leaves his card with a heart drawn on the back. I have been collecting them. So far I've received 9.

Nine times that Atlas came by and either I wasn't here or I didn't know he had come until he was gone. After I find one of his calling cards, I am both happy and sad at the same time. I realize with Angelica being around, we have to be very careful that she doesn't suspect anything is going on between us, but that just means it is even harder for us to try and make things work at all.

When the time comes for my appointment, Clark offers to drive me there and back. I appreciate his willingness to help, but lately, I've been feeling flustered with all of his extra attention. He's smothering me with affection and I don't know how to tell him that I need him to give me some space. Mainly because saying "I need some space," doesn't seem to mean the same thing to him as it does to me. His idea of space means going into the next room. My idea involves maybe giving me a few days to cool my head.

So I lie. I feel a little guilty about it, but I told Clark the wrong time for the appointment. When he comes by later, I'll tell him it was a mistake, a mix-up, and then I'll apologize. I'll make sure to text him around the

time that he arrives so that he won't be worried.

There, easy enough.

The taxi I called arrived right on time. On the ride there, I get a short, discreet message from Atlas.

"I will meet you there."

I can't help but smile at the screen the rest of the ride into downtown. I've missed him so much. I never thought I'd say this but, I miss my ex-husband.

The taxi gets me there right on time. As I enter the building, I hear someone call my name. Turning, Clark

is standing there wearing gym clothes, his face red from running.

"It is you!" He gasps. "I thought your appointment wasnt until noon."

"It got moved up," I explain feebly. "How did you know to be here.

you following me?"

"Of course not," his face is beet red. It looks like I'm not the only one lying. "My...ah gym is just around the corner and when I saw you in the taxi I thought I'd see what was going on." "Cordelia," Atlas' deep voice vibrates through me as he approaches from behind. Both Clark and I startle, looking up to meet his gaze. "Oh good, I didn't miss it. Are you ready?"

"Yes, we're ready." Clark insists on coming with us, even though he smells like gym shoes and sweat. We're all just one happy family, right."

Clark's voice is tight with anger and I feel a bit guilty for trying to exclude him.noveldrama

But this baby is mine. Mine and Atlas'. I know he agreed to help me out, but it is only temporary whereas Atlas will always be this baby's father, regardless of our living arrangement and other circumstances. Clark is just going to need to live with the truth. I'm about to turn and ask him to leave, to give Atlas and me a chance to have this one moment together when the door to the office opens.

"Who do we have here?" Dr. Solomon, the obstetrician greets us at the door.

"Mr. and Mrs. Steele, I remember you," she turns to Clark and me, "but you...are you a member of the family?"

"He's the baby's uncle," Clark answers for Atlas whose ears begin to glow bright red in anger.

"Wonderful," she claps her hands. "How exciting that the baby has so many loving hands ready to greet him or her."

We begin to follow her in but I stop Clark in the hallway

"Clark, darling, can I have a word with you," I say loudly for the benefit of the doctor so that she knows! need a private moment with my self-proclaimed husband. "I'll just be a minute."

The doctor nods knowingly and leaves us alone in the hall.

Turning towards him, I take a deep breath and ask. "Can I have this moment with just Atlas?"

VictoryAnne Vice Author

Feelings can be so hard when love is involved..


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