The Accidental Wife (Emily and Julian)

Chapter 6

When I saw Emily leaving the mansion, curiosity got the best of me and I decided to follow her. It was obvious that she wasn't going anywhere fancy because of what she was wearing. Right after she got in a white Corolla that was probably an Uber, I followed her. She ended up going to a grocery store. 1 didn't know where I was expecting her to go, but I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to get to know the girl I was going to call my wife soon. I wanted to know about the malicious girl that I was about to spend two years with. I wasn't that discreet because she turned around more than once, attempting to see if somebody was following her, I should have left when I ended up knowing where she was, but something made me want to keep following her. I kind of felt guilty for the way 1 made her p Apparently, that decision wasn't the best because I was suddenly stopped by a security guard. Somchody had noticed how I was following Emily and ended up reporting me.

"I know her! I'm not stalking her!" I exclaimed, attempting to defend myself.

"You wouldn't follow a woman like that if you knew her!" the security guard said.

I looked at Emily and saw her eyeing me with utter surprise. Her lips curled into a smirk and I had a feeling she was going to deny knowing me. My parents were going to kill me if I got arrested. I gulped when I saw her walking towards us

"Miss, this man has been following you. Do you know him?" the security guard asked her.

"He has been following you for so long. Are you okay?" a girl who was around twenty years old said as she approached Emily. She was probably the one who reported me,

"Thank you so much. I'm alright Emily told the girl with a smile on her lips. "Unfortunately, I know him, though. I was surprised when Emily said. that; nevertheless, relief took over me

"You do!" the security guard inquired, earning a nod from her. Only then did he let go of my arm.

"My fiance is an idiot. He just loves pranking me by following me around. I told him more than once that he would eventually get in trouble, but he had never believed me. Maybe he will now." I was amazed by the story she managed to fabricate in a matter of minutes. I wa though because she was saving my ass. As much as I was happy that I wasn't going to get in trouble, I didn't like the idea that I was going to owe her a favor.

"Oh I thought you were in danger. You know the world is full of creeps now," the girl said. "I'm sorry." She gave me an apologetic smile.

"It's okay. I should be thanking you for looking after my girl." I then turned to the security guard. "I'm free to go now, right!"

"Yes, sorry for the misunderstanding."

I ended up walking silently beside Emily. I was embarrassed and didn't know how I was going to explain myself to her. Honestly, there was nothing to explain. I was stalking her.

"I bet you found my whereabouts pretty boring, huh?" She smirked, looking at me. She was gloating, I stayed silent, not knowing what to tell her. "Tell me, Julian. Where did you expect me to got Which weird place did your mind imagine me to be at? I mean, I know you're n "Look, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking" 1 surrendered.


shrugged as she pushed her can. "You can leave now, by the way. You know where I am now,

"I can give you a ride home. I don't have anything else to do," I offered.

"I'm not planning on having any secret meetings if that's what you're worried about," she said and I direw

"What can I do to make you forget about tonight?"

"Nothing really" She shrugged, leading towards the cashier.

Trast pay, as a sort of apology?" I wondered.

"h that how you apologize? With money?" She raised her eyebrows as she looked at me.

"I don't know what else to do!" I thurw my hands in the air.

"Brave" That's what I would like you to do!" she housed.

"I need to drive you home," Linsisted.


d why is that?"

"To make sure that you'd be safe. That made her scoff.

don't you?"

my head back, groaning a little.

"Julian, let's not act like we care about each other. You'd probably throw a party if I got killed," she said in a quiet voice as she placed her grocery on the cashier conveyor belt.

-I wouldn't exactly throw a party," I mumbled, shoving my hands in my pockets

"Right" She let out a sarcastic laugh.

I got my wallet out of my pocket and was about to pay, but she glared at me and said, "Pay for me and I swear I will tell your parents that I found you stalking me. That was enough to make me put my wallet back in my pocket. Damn, she was scary when she was angry. "At least let me take you home." I said. "It doesn't make sense to go separately."

She stayed silent for a moment then nodded.

I wanted to see in Emily the girl Fiona had described. The bossy and spoilt one who acted like a diva whenever she wanted something. So far, she was nowhere to be seen, but perhaps that was all an act, I couldn't get a full image of her from just one day. My parents cou actress,

"Why didn't you let the security guard call the police?" I couldn't help bat ask as I drove back home. She had an opportunity on a silver platter to put me in a tough position, yet she didn't.

"I have two reasons.

reasons. One, your parents have been super nice to me, so it doesn't feel right to do that to their son. Two, I happen to use my mind a lot. How would 1 benefit from that, Julian? Hurting your image would hurt mine and that's the last thing we both need right now I'm a practical person" She had a point. She wasn't peity and I liked that.

As I was driving, her phone rang. "Hey Maya.. I know I know I have been MIA, but I promise I have a good reason. I can't tell you now, but I will call you tomorrow. I promise I will call you


"I need to talk with Rose as soon as we get back. I want to know what I should tell my best friend about this situation," Emily said after hanging up.

"Maya is your best friend?" I asked her and she nodded.

"I think it would be better to tell her what we would sell the media," I suggested. "Unless you plan on selling her the truth."

"The truth is actually more confusing than the lie we're going to tell the media, because neither of us knows what happened," she pointed our

We didn't talk about anything else for the rest of the ride until we reached the house. Once I parked the car, she got out of it and started collecting her croceries. "Let me help you with these," I said, reaching for a few bags.

"Thank you. I can lundle them. Thanks for the ride, by the way" She didn't let me carry any of the bags and I watched her as she walked towards the guest house.

Something about her seemed interesting, but I knew that I needed to be careful. I didn't want to fall for any of her acts. Under no circumstances should I ever be a victim of Emily Harolds

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