The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage)

Chapter 74.



It has been a few months since the wedding, and everything has been great. There have been no issues. Ryder went on a run two weeks ago. He didn't want to go with me being so close to my due date. I'm not due for another two weeks, but I told him it would be fine.

And I was right. He arrives in the morning.

We talk every morning and night. He is on the gun run for my family, so it's business as usual. I have no worries about him cheating on me. This MC doesn't do that. If he ever cheated on me, it wouldn't be worth his life just to get his dick wet.

So here I am sitting on the sofa having a zoom meeting with Cass and Alessa about the latest auction they took down. Apparently, it was in a hail of bullets. They got out all the victims and killed everyone who was inside. Even though I can't be there physically, I have my team working on locations.

It was the biggest one we took out. Apparently, there were people like government officials and dignitaries from other countries that were there, and they are all dead. I was worried when they told me. But then again, it's Cassandria DeAngelis, and she is untouchable. She could walk in to the white house and put a gun to the president's head without anyone batting an eye. She is that dangerous.

I groan slightly at the pain as it slowly moves across my bump. I have been having them since two o'clock this morning, but I know I have a while to go yet. My OBGYN has said I can try to give birth vaginally, but if it gets too much, then it will be a C-Section. I wanted to try at least before having the procedure done.

"Hey, you ok?" Alessa asks as she too rubs her growing bump. She told us the day after the wedding that she and Ivar were expecting their first child. She still goes on missions but doesn't participate, her team does that for her. According to Ivar, he just wants her to be in the safety of her office, but Alessa likes to be in the field, right in the thick of it. So she compromised instead. She is still in the field but directs instead.

"Yeah, just a little contraction. Nothing to worry about. I have hours yet." I tell her and she goes wide eyed.

"Shouldn't you, you know, haul your fat ass to the hospital?" she asks, panicking, and I stare at her with my mouth open. Did she just call my ass fat? Why the cheeky little bitch!

"Hey, it's not fat, it's just extra padding. You cushion for the pushing," I say with a chuckle and Cass laughs, shaking her head.

"You have all this to come, Lessy. We will be laughing at you when you need a push out of your chair." She says and Alessa growls into the camera. We continue the meeting without anymore contractions.

Once we are done, I stand up and hear a pop. I look around as I feel the tickle down my bare thigh. I look down and try to see over the massive bump. FUCK!

I bend, reaching for my phone and dial Ryder, but it just rings, no answer. Shit! I dial my momma instead.

"Angel, are you ok?" she asks and I groan as I have another contraction.

"No, I need you here like now! My water has just broken, and I've been having contractions since the early hours. I've tried to ring Ryder, but he must be riding." I say in between breaths.noveldrama

"Ok, hang tight, ring Deanna. She is closer to you. I will get to you shortly. Where is Rebel?" she asks and I pant as the pain disappears.

"She is with Scar at the clubhouse." I say as I grip the back of the sofa and waddle towards the closet by the front door, which has my delivery bag inside.

"Ok, hang up. I will try to get hold of Ryder." She says when I hear the door open and I look up as the door opens wider, I grab my gun and end the call and take aim.

"Ryder." I lower my gun and he looks at me in shock. I groan and bend as my hand goes to my bump. The gun drops to the floor as my free hand now holds the wall. I feel his hands on me as he takes my weight. More water leaves me. "Jesus, how long have you been like this?" he asks and I breathe through it.

"Not long. My waters have not long broken, but I've been getting contractions since the early hours. I tried to call you but you didn't answer. How are you here?" I ask him once the pain goes and I straighten up.

"I knew something wasn't right last night, so I came home. Left the bike at the clubhouse and took the truck. Good thing I did," He says with a chuckle. He lifts me and carries me upstairs to the bedroom.

"Ryder, I need to get to the hospital now." I say to him and he paces me on the bed and jogs to the walk-in. How is he so fucking calm?

"Relax Angel, we have hours yet. Besides, you can't go in wet shorts. You will be uncomfortable." He says as he takes out my pyjama pants and clean underwear. Or my granny pants, as he calls them. Don't dis the granny pants they are every pregnant woman's dream. Comfy and warm.

He takes them to the bathroom and turns the shower on. He comes back, stripping his clothes as he helps me stand and strips me of my wet shorts and underwear and my top. He walks me to the shower and gets me and himself washed. Once we are done. He helps me get dried as I have another contraction.

"Breathe Angel, you can do this," he says as I copy his breathing. Once again it goes and he helps me into my underwear, complete with a pad. He helps me put on my pyjama pants and his hoodie. He gets dried and dressed at record speed. He carries me down the stairs, grabbing my delivery bag and pregnancy notes, and we are on the way to the hospital.

His hand is in mine the entire drive to the hospital. My groans fill the air and he squeezes my hand, offering me words of encouragement. Again, how is he so damn fucking calm? Shouldn't he be freaking the fuck out like I am?

"It will be over soon, just breath through each peak." He says and I look at him like he is crazy.

"What, you thought I would be

running round like a chicken that has had its head lobbed off? Nope, I

have been reading and watching et

videos. So I know what to expect." I chuckle as I feel more water leave me It's trickling, so that means not alpmy waters have burst

We pull up to the hospital and he leaves the truck and brings me a wheelchair.

"Here, let's get you in." He gently lifts me and places me in the wheelchair. He grabs my bag and notes, placing the notes on my lap and the bag over his arm, he pushes me inside and towards the delivery suites.

"Angel Moretti-Jackson." He says and I gasp as the mother of all contractions has hit me. My eyes widen and I groan loudly as a scream rips from my throat.

"Ryder, I can't do this." I say as I grit my teeth. He kneels in front of me.

"Yes, you can. I believe in you Angel, I am not going anywhere. We will do this, ok. You and me, us." He says, looking into my eyes as the OBGYN jogs towards us.

"Ok, get her into a room and prepare the theatre in case." She says, but I'm not looking at her. Ryder is nodding at me. I can do this, I can do this.

I'm wheeled into a room and everything happens in a blur. I'm stripped in a hospital gown and placed on the bed. The OBGYN looks at me and does her checks. Placing a monitor on my belly with straps. To monitor the baby's heart rate and contractions. "Ok, Angel. You are in active labour. You are seven centimetres, I'm sorry I can't give you the epidural. Just breath like we practiced." She is for real.

"Fuck breathing. Give me the damn gas and air!" I moan as the tightening becomes worse. Ryder has my hand and kisses it.

"You're so demanding when you're in

labour, it's so fucking sexy." He smirks, but look at him with fire in my eyes and he chuckles. He hands me the long plastic tube and I take it, biting down on it as I breathe it in. My head feels dizzy, but it's fucking good.

"That's it, relax princess, it will be over soon." He says. After god only knows how long. I get the urge to push. I try to sit up, but I can't.

"Help me sit up." I say, as the contractions are right on top of each other. He helps me sit up. The OBGYN looks at me and nods her head.

"Ok Ryder, she is ready. Angel, you need to bear down and push." My legs are in stirrups to stabilise my pelvis. I bear down biting as I scream as I push with my all. Sweat coats my skin as I let go of Ryder's

hand and lean forward. He helps

push my back forward. I lost the hospital gown ages ago. bis hand moves up and down my spine as he talks, encouraging me.

I grip the bed side rails in a crushing grip.

"That's it, breath Angel. She is crowning." She didn't need to tell me. I can feel the fucking burn.

"It burns." I say with tears in my eyes. When I feel something cool on my burning hole. It is soothing.

"You can do this princess, I fucking love you. You are amazing. You are my goddess, my queen. Come on, one big push and she will be in our arms," he says as he kisses my sweaty forehead, placing his forehead against mine. I close my eyes. I push and scream as I feel the baby make her way into the world. I fall backwards panting and it's silent. I look down when ...


I sob, hearing her cries. The OBGYN lifts her up, and she is bright pink, screaming her lungs out, her blonde hair is stuck to her head. She is kicking her little legs and waving her fists in fury. I chuckle through the tears as she is placed on my bare chest. I kiss her little head. I look at Ryder and he is wide eyed looking at our daughter; he has tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Hello, little one, shhhh, it's ok. Mommy's got you." I say as she cries and I cry with her. Ryder kisses me and then kisses her little head.

"She is beautiful Angel, look at her. Thank you princess, thank you for this," he says as she is taken away to be weighed and measured and Ryder goes with her, hovering over her, like the protective husband and father he is with all of us.

Our little bundle is bought back in a baby-grow and hat wrapped in a baby pink blanket. She is handed to me.

I place her on my breast and she latches. I watch as she feeds. Ryder is beside me.

"What are we calling her?" I ask him as I run my finger gently over her cheek as she has her first feed.

"Luna Skye Jackson-Moretti." He says. I look up at him in shock and he is smiling down at her. I cry again. Skye was going to be the name I picked for the baby we lost if it was a girl. It is fitting that Luna has part of that baby with her. "Welcome to the world Luna Skye."

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