The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 0639

I'm too tired for the full dream state that night, but even though I'm asleep some part of me is conscious of my wolf moving anxiously to the edge of my bond with Jacks, and lifting her snout, and giving a sharp little howl, her feet tapping and calling to his wolf.

Jackson's wolf appears instantly across that little bridge, trotting across it with ease but lowering his head a little when he sees mine - takes in the mess of her fur, covered in dust and dirt from hours running with Luca's wolf, using her body to knock free the mud and the dust.

Jackson's wolf huffs with displeasure - not with the fact that she spent time with Luca's wolf and helped him just...not liking to see her exhausted and disheveled. He moves forward then, softly beginning to nuzzle my wolf, cleaning her up in turn. He licks her face, quite tender and gentle, and then moves along her body, rubbing his own against it. My wolf gives another little exhausted howl and lays down. Jackson's wolf takes a few more minutes to look her over, nudging her with his snout and sniffing to make sure she's okay, and then he curls up next to and around her, curving his head warm over her neck as she rests her snout against his paws.

As my wolf drifts off to sleep, I blink awake - just for a moment, and press a kiss to Jackson's chest, incredibly grateful for him.

Because even if I took care of Luca tonight - even if he needed me...Jackson always takes care of me, makes me feel warm and cozy and good. And I love him so, so much for the sweet generosity of his soul, hoping that I can do the same for him.

"You already do," Jackson murmurs, making me jump a little and laugh. "Now go to bed, baby," he murmurs, stroking a heavy hand over my hair. "We need sleep."

“Okay," I whisper, kissing him again and closing my eyes, falling again into a sweet slumber, curled up with my mate, just as our wolves are curled up in my soul.

I wake up the next morning to the very, very pleasant sensation of Jackson wrapping me up in his arms and rolling me over lightly in the bed, pressing a kiss to my neck. I hum lightly, lifting my hands to stroke through his hair and hitching one leg up over his hip.

"I could get used to this," he murmurs, letting a hand drift up my thigh, squeezing my ass as it travels past on its way up my torso. "I do not mind waking up to you in your underwear."

"Shouldn't we just do it like that first night?" I whisper, my head lolling sleepily even as I smile my happiness. "When it was just bottoms, no top?" "When I get you in a room all by ourselves," he murmurs, nipping the skin of my shoulder before pressing kisses all along my clavicle, "you had better sleep in absolutely nothing." I gasp a little, my head spinning to Jackson as his hand finishes its journey up my body and cups my breast.

“Jacks!” I huff, scandalized, my eyes moving to where the curtain is shut to the room where my brother and my cousin are still asleep - Jesse especially, since he came through the door at around five in the morning.

"What those two don't know won't hurt them," Jackson murmurs, shifting again to settle himself more completely between my thighs and lifting his mouth to mine, kissing me deeply - much more deeply than he usually does in the morning.

I lose myself to it, kissing him back, letting my body follow its instincts, my hips rising up against my mate my breath coming in little pants. He growls, possessive and warm, his tongue pressing into my mouth in a way that causes a little moan to break from my lips.

A sound that is...too loud for my comfort.

I break away, biting my lip and shaking my head at him.

Jacks growls his displeasure but nods, pressing a much more chaste and simple kiss to my mouth before rolling away to the side, tugging me with him.

"Well, this is different," I murmur, my heartbeat slowing as I stroke a hand long down his chest and over his hard stomach. "What's got you all frisky this morning?"noveldrama

"You," he murmurs, stroking a hand

over my hair missed you last

night. I like you here. I mean," he shrugs, don't want you to feel...bad about not being here - you go what you want. But if we're just talking about my preferences," he shrugs again. "I like you here."

I grin, nodding to him. "I like me here too."

"Tell me," he urges, pressing a kiss to either of my cheeks. "I want to hear about Faiza's assignment."

I give him the quick run-down as my

mate idly runs his hands all over my body, checking in on me, reminding me a great deal of his wolf in this

moment. And I tell him most of what I we did last night, leaving out...well, honestly, kind of the important bits, the things that will hurt his feelings or make him mad. So, nothing about Tony stepping in to help me when Luca got distracted. Nothing about Luca's trauma or our breakthrough, or how we spent hours in the woods just holding each other, kissing softly, letting our wolves explore their new closeness.

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