The Lycan King’s Hybrid Queen

Chapter 63


"Maybe we should get you on the bed?"

I shake my head at Emori while rocking back and forth. I'm so hot; sweat is pouring out of me. "Babe, you'd be more comfortable."

I shake my head at Harmony this time and clutch her hand. When Emori rushed to my side, Harmony was with her. I don't know why they were together, and I didn't ask because I didn't care. They helped me sit back on my Emori pilled cushions and pillows behind me while Harmony helped remove my panties. The last thing I wanted was for my aunt and sister to check things between my legs. But at the same time, I didn't give a, Harmony never said it hurt this much!

I'm not kidding when I say that, my bo.obs, back, stomach,, and vag.ina hurt like hell! me; I am never doing this again!

'Thane...' I whine into our mate link. 'Why won't you answer me? Please, I need you. I'm scared!' "She's crowning."

The seriousness on Emori's face makes me laugh. I don't know why, but I can't stop. Of course, laughter is infectious, and Harmony and Emori laugh with me. But my laughter soon turns to tears, and Harmony pushes my sweaty hair back from my forehead. "It's okay, Lyric."

I shake my head because nothing is okay, not without Thane. He promised he'd never leave me and that he would be here when the baby came, no matter what. But he's not here, and my heart hurts. Thane is going to miss the most important moment in our lives, a moment we can never get back.

There's a reason they're called firstborns. It's because it's your first time bringing a life into the world. You may have many children in the future, but you can never get back that wonderful moment when you become a parent for the first time. "Lyric..." Emori sighs.

"Lyric!" The door crashes against the wall, and I sob to see Thane rushing toward me. I reach out my hand, which he grabs while dropping on his beside me. His arm wraps around my shoulder, and he kisses my head. "I'm so sorry."

"I kept calling for you, but you didn't come!"

"I came as quickly as I could. Forgive me, baby."

I don't answer Thane. He does not get off treating me like the enemy that lightly. I want to smack him in the mouth! But that will have to wait.


"Push for me, Lyric. That's it."

"Where the hell is Dale?"

"Lyric didn't want him here." Harmony replies to Thane. "And we don't have the time, nor is this the place for you to have a tantrum."

I squeeze Thane's hand, grunting while pushing and trying to keep Thane calm at the same time. Harmony is annoyed with my mate, and I don't have the mind to care. Thane doesn't deserve to be let off the hook. Plus, I'd be doing much worse than snapping at Theo if the tides were turned.

"That's it, Lyric, just one more!"

I nod and push with everything I've got. It hurts so much, and it feels never-ending! But suddenly, the pain is gone. Everyone is silent, and I don't hear a baby crying.

What's going on?

I reach my hands out. "Give her to me. Please."

Emori looks from me to Thane and back again.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at us like that?"

"Emori, what's wrong with my baby!? Oh, no!" My breath shudders in my throat, tears fill my eyes, and I can't close my mouth.

"Shh, Lyric. Lyric, calm down. There's nothing wrong with your baby."

"Goddess, Emori! You scared the out of us all!" Harmony snaps while stroking the back of my head.

"I'm sorry. It's just..."

"Just what?"

Emori looks at Than and sighs.

"Will you just tell me what the hell is wrong!?" I yell and sob at the same time. "Please, Emori. I want my baby. I want my little girl."

I just want to hold my baby in my arms. I want to kiss her head and tell her how much I love her.

"I'm sorry, but your little girl," She holds up my baby, and everyone gasps, including me. "Is a little boy."

"What the" I'm not sure if Thane is asking a question or not, but I nod my head because I'm just as confused. "How is this possible?"

"I don't care how it's possible! Give me my son right now."

I reach for my baby, and a smile spreads across my face when Emori hands him to me. Harmony tears my shirt in half, and I giggle-sob while pulling my little man to my chest. Oh, Goddess, he's perfect. Ten tiny fingers and toes, pouty lips, and a button nose. I didn't know love like this existed, but I'm overflowing with it.

I'm not even disappointed that my baby isn't a girl, though it is a little confusing. Levi was adamant the baby was a girl.

How could he have gotten it so wrong?

There are so many questions rushing through my mind. But I'll think about them later. This moment belongs to Thane and me.

I kiss my baby boy's head and breathe him in. "Hello, my baby boy. Oh, Thane," I look at my mate, staring at me with tears in his eyes. "Look at him. Isn't he beautiful?"

Thane strokes his finger over our son's cheek. "He's perfect." He kisses my lips, then our son's head.

I open my mouth to say something, but a sharp pain rips through my stomach.


"Oh, wow, it hurts."

"Thane, take the baby." Harmony demands.

Thane takes the baby from me, kissing his head and holding him close.

"Ow, ow!" I throw my head back and lift my off the floor, trying to breathe through the pain tearing through me.

What the is happening to me?!

"Thane..." I whine.

Thane quickly hands the baby to my sister and rewraps his arm around me. I lean into him, breathing harshly. "Oh, my..."


"Thane, erm..."

"Oh, my Goddess!" I scream so loudly, my body naturally pushing whatever is trying to crawl its way out of my body.

What the hell is going on with my body?

"Lyric," I flick my eyes to Emori. "I know this hurts, but you're about to give birth again."

"What the are you talking about?!" I scream at my aunt.

Giving birth again?

What plant is this bitch on?

I can't be giving birth again. Nobody said anything about two babies!

"Push for me, Lyric!" I push with all my might until Emori tells me to stop. "The baby's head is free. When I tell you to push, I need you to give me a big one. Okay?" "Okay." I gulp and nod my head.

"Push, Lyric!"

I grab onto Thane, screaming as I push with all that I've got, and I don't stop until I feel the relief of pain leaving me. My baby's newborn cries fill the air, and Emori immediately lays the child on my chest. "Your daughter."

"Oh," I sob with my eyes closed and my lips pressed against Aurora's head. I really thought she'd been a figment of Levi's imagination. I hadn't realized how badly it hurt, thinking I'd never meet her until she was placed in my arms. "My baby girl." "Aurora." I look at Thane, and he cups my cheek and presses his forehead to mine. "She looks just like you."

I laugh. "And our son looks just like you."

"Poor kid. What are we gonna call him?"

"What name do you like?"

Harmony hands our son to Thane while Emori hands us both a small blanket to wrap around our children. She then lays one over my legs.

Thane wraps his arm around my shoulders. "What about Sebastian?"

"Sebastian and Aurora. I like it."

"Let go of me!"

"O-oh, looks like Levi knows Aurora is here."

I laugh, and Thane rolls his eyes at my sister. "Let him in."

It isn't three seconds before Levi bursts into the room, Lia hot on his tail.

"I'm so sorry,"

I shake my head at Lia and smile. We all knew this was how Levi would be once Aurora was born. Levi pushes Harmony out of the way and kneels down beside me. I turn Aurora in my arms so Levi can see her, but he holds his arms out to take Aurora. I look at everyone in the room, staring at me and shrugging.

"Lyric, I'm sorry. I know this is awkward, but Levi needs to hold Aurora. Only then will he calm down."noveldrama

He's a little young to be holding the baby. But if it will settle this constant nagging inside of him, then I guess I don't have a choice.

"Levi, you have to come closer."

Little man scoots closer, and Lia kneels behind him. That sets my mind at ease, knowing she's close by. Many hands around my little girl mean she won't be dropped.

As gently as possible, I lay Aurora in Levi's arms, not moving mine entirely, just to be safe.

"Hello, my Aurora. I am so happy you're here." I smile when Levi gently kisses Aurora's head. "I am always going to love you. But now, I have to protect you."

"What the hell!?!" Thane snaps, startling everyone in the room.

My eyes and mouth are wide in shock as white light surrounds Levi and Aurora before they disappear in the blink of an eye!

"My baby!"

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