The Merciless Alpha(erotica)

A Free Advice

I took a breath, forcing myself to calm and pushing back my wolf. “Erica wasn’t alone. Remember what Eduardo said about the investigator in Fort Worth?”

“Yeah, Special Agent Randall Meechum, FBI and Sulphur River Pack.” She looked at me as I nodded. “Oh shit. He was there?”

“Yep. He was eating with Erica when we arrived.”

“The gunshot I heard, you killed him?”

“I couldn’t,” I said as I sank to my knees. “I just scared him so he wouldn’t follow me. He… he’s my MATE, Marcy.”

“Holy shit.” She turned and looked up at the sky. “Your mate knows you were the one in Fort Worth who killed four people, his family has talked to the Council about you, and he’s your destined?”

I picked up a rock and threw it as far as I could, which was quite a long way, given my vampire strength. “Yes. He’s going to find me, he’ll never give up. And when he finds me, he’ll figure out that I’m not a normal werewolf, that I’ve been working with Vampires and have mixed my DNA with them. He’s going to find me, reject me and drag me back to the Council to be executed.”

“Or he’ll chain you to his bed so you can’t run off until he’s sated your lusts for each other.” I looked at her, she was always an optimist. “What are you going to do?”

“Tania is safe, there’s no more business for me now. I have my blood vow, and that takes priority over everything. The first thing I need to do is to get my nephew back to his mother.”

“Let’s go, then. We can make Des Moines before sunrise if we leave now.” She walked back to her car. “Are you going to be all right, Talia?”

My wolf was whining in the back of my head, she wanted to return. I shoved her down as I straddled my Harley. “I haven’t been all right for years, Marcy. I’ll survive.”

“You’ll survive and we’ll help you figure this out. You have a mate out there, you can have your life back when your vow is over if we do this right. He’s an Alpha’s son, the two of you can retake your Pack and fulfill your destiny,” she said as she closed the door.

Destiny? I’d never be Alpha. No werewolf Pack would accept me now, my mate wouldn’t accept me either. I wasn’t a werewolf anymore, I wasn’t a vampire, I had no place in this world anymore. I was an instrument of vengeance, nothing more, nothing less.

The Moon Goddess must hate me.


Tania’s POV

LaCrosse Pack House

We had stayed in Erica’s cabin for almost an hour before I started to yawn. It had been a long ride up from New Orleans, and I was beat. I was still fighting symptoms from withdrawal as well, so as much as I hated to leave Erica, I had to go. “Aunt Teri, I need to sleep,” I told her as I settled into her side on the small couch where I was sandwiched between them. Grandpa was in the recliner across from me, while Erica was sitting on a dining room chair.

“Go,” Erica said as she got up. She came over and hugged me. “I’m so glad you are home, and Talia is all right,” she said. They had wanted to talk about what happened to me, about what was going on since I was rescued, but I wasn’t ready to go through those memories yet.

I just wanted to feel like I was home again.

“Come on,” Uncle Clark said. “Let’s take you home.” He picked me up like I weighed nothing, which wasn’t far from the case. Just being next to Erica or Talia showed me just how much my body hadn’t filled out. I was skinny, weak and vulnerable where they were strong. I relaxed into his arms as he carried me to the car, like he used to do when I was a young girl visiting with our parents.

I stayed in his lap as Grandpa drove us. I was relieved that they weren’t pushing a bunch of people at me, they were letting me get used to them first. Even when we arrived at their Pack House, I didn’t see anyone around. He carried me up the stairs, down the hallway of the Alpha Wing, past their offices and into one of the guest rooms. He set me in the bathroom, where Teri was already getting the shower going. “I’m tired,” I said as I leaned against the vanity.

“You’re full of road dust and tears, baby, just a quick shower. Clark, go get some pajamas out of our room.” He walked off and she closed the door behind him. “Come on, take those off and get in.”

I closed my eyes, pushing back the thoughts invading my mind. She wasn’t like Peggy, I wasn’t being held in a whorehouse, and I’d be all right. I pulled off my shirt and got undressed, stepping into the warm shower. I heard Teri gasp in shock; she must have seen the scars.

Tania’s POV

39 months ago, one week after giving birth

The man who held me captive, raped me until I was pregnant, then took my baby from me had been gone for six days. Time was difficult to tell for sure in my basement prison; sometimes I could see light from the bottom of the door from upstairs, sometimes I couldn’t. Day and night merged into each other as I pushed back the hunger.

When he took my baby, he left me without food. I had all the water I wanted from the hose, and I’d drink a bellyful when my hunger got too bad, but I was weakening. I’d survived this time, only to be abandoned and starve to death in a basement?

Luna couldn’t be that cruel to me.

It turned out she wasn’t. I heard someone moving around upstairs, and I sat up with my back against the pole watching the door. The deadbolt moved, and the door opened, spilling light into the dark room. The man was big, his shoulders turning sideways to go through the doorway. He walked slowly down the stairs as I covered myself, unwilling to let him see my nakedness. “Hello, Tania,” he said in a low, gravelly voice.

I didn’t say anything as he reached the bottom of the stairway. “The Alpha sends his regards. The baby is doing well; the Luna returned with him two days ago, and he was presented to the Pack that night. Everyone is praising the Goddess for finally blessing their pack with a strong male heir.” He came closer, bending down at the foot of the mattress while I shook in fear. “Your Beta was right, you’d provide a strong child, with Alpha bloodlines on both sides. A much better option than having some pack slut or human surrogate.”

“Can I go? You got your baby, I won’t say anything!”

He roared with laughter at my question. “He doesn’t want a war to break out, and he can’t let there be a reason to question the legitimacy of his heir. No, your part is done, and with that comes the problem of what to do with you. The Alpha left that up to me. Killing you and burying you in the woods would be the simplest fix.”

“NO! PLEASE! I’m just a kid, I didn’t do anything to deserve this!”

“Tania, if you had a chance to grow into adulthood, you’d realize that people don’t get what they deserve.” He pulled a syringe out of his pocket; I stared at it like it was poison. “I’m sorry about this, really, but it’s better than a shallow grave.”

He grabbed my ankle and dragged me down the mattress until my collar was choking me. He used his shin to trap my left leg against the floor, while his left hand pulled my right leg straight. He flicked the cap off and plunged the needle into my thigh, pushing the liquid into my body before letting me go. “Oh oh Goddess it hurts! Make it stop!” The chemical burned like fire in my veins, and my weakened wolf was howling in pain.

“Don’t fight it, you can’t stop it now,” he said. “That amount of wolfsbane will kill your wolf. Take a second to tell her goodbye.”

I closed my eyes against the pain, seeking out that place where my wolf and I met in my mind. She was straining against the chains that were pulling her down. “I’m sorry,” I told her as she howled in pain. She jerked against the chains, then went still. I started crying, it was like a chunk of me had been torn out of my soul. The blackness took me.

When I woke up, I wasn’t in the basement anymore. The room was the size of a small hotel room; I was lying on a queen-sized bed, naked under the white sheets. I could see a small bathroom through an open doorway, with a shower visible in the mirror.noveldrama

I sat up, reaching for my wolf and finding nothing. My head was spinning, so I didn’t move until the room did. My feet touched the cheap carpet, but It was better than a concrete floor. Maybe things were looking up.

My fingers went to my neck; the metal collar was not there, but a thick leather collar was in its place. In the back was a plastic box. I couldn’t find a way to get it off, so I left it alone. The heavy door opened, and a man came in. “Good, you’re awake. Crystal will be here soon to start your training, so get up and shower.”

“Who are you? Why am I here?”

Instead of answering, he pulled a box out of his pocket and pressed a button. The collar beeped once, then an electric shock raced through my neck. It hurt like hell, I wanted to scream in agony, but my chest wouldn’t work for me. It turned off and I started to gasp in shock as the pain receded. “Lesson number one, when you are told to do something, you do it, immediately and without backtalk. Do you understand me?”

“Yes sir,” I said as I pushed myself to my feet. I moved past him to the shower. There was no bathroom door, so I saw him leave and heard the door lock. There was a generic shampoo and conditioner in there; I couldn’t recall the last time I’d been able to clean properly. I did my hair, then scrubbed my body clean. I was just getting out when the man opened the door again.

He looked at my body as I dried off. “Your previous owner didn’t feed you, he told us as much. This is oatmeal, you need to eat it slowly or you’ll throw it up again. These cans are a shake supplement, they will help you put on weight again. Drink one every hour between meals. No one wants to fuck a skeleton.”

I didn’t say anything, I was just confused. “Thank you,” I said as I took in the food.

“A little free advice. You are no longer free, you are an owned slave. You exist now to please your owners and those you are assigned to please. The sooner you accept your fate, the better it will go for you. If you try to escape, you will be tortured and killed. We have clients who pay special for that, so don’t even think about it. Do you understand me?”

“Yes sir,” I said, the tears coming to my eyes. I’d heard about women who were caught up by the slave trade; I might not even be in the United States anymore.

“Eat, you’ll need your strength.” He left the room, locking it again. I went over to the door and checked it was locked, then went back to the small table where my food was sitting. My stomach ached with hunger, and I pulled the cover off the Styrofoam bowl and smelled the oatmeal. It wasn’t the same as before; there was none of the detail, like my senses had been dulled. Without my wolf, I was weak.

I opened one of the shakes, drinking it in gulps. I poured a little over the oatmeal, taking a bite every minute or so and letting it settle. By the time the door opened, I was done.

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