The Twin Alphas Warrior Luna (RYN)

Chapter 46


I could barely concentrate for the rest of class and the moment i ended, I got my bag and rushed out of there. As I began to walk to the bus stop, my phone buzzed. Pulling it out of my pocket, I checked the caller ID and realized it was Sadie. "Hey, Ginger. What's up?" I said.

"I miss you. We rarely talk. Seems you get busier and busier these days." Sadie whined and I smiled.

"I miss you too and when you join the Elites, you'll realize how busy your week can get."

"I know. I guess I'm super whiny because I'm bored out of my mind." She said, "Hey, can you sleep over tonight? My parents are going out of town and I'll be all alone at home." "Don't you have guards or something?"

"They don't count. They are like npcs. They don't talk to me and neither do they want to play with me. So, please, can you come? There will be food."

I stopped in my tracks, excited by that by that one word. Ever since I started eating well, I discovered I had a thing for food and when Prince Miro began to cook for me, he only added fuel to the fire of my passion. "Fine. I'll be I'll be there." I said and Sadie squealed happily. The sun was already setting when I arrived at Sadie's house for the first time and my jaw dropped. For someone so demure, she lived quite fancy. Her house was atop a hil, overlooking the sea below, while surrounded by lush greenery and trees and/ wide space of land. I alighted from the taxi that brought me, staring open-mouthed at the gigantic house.

Sadie came out wearing pink fluffy bunny slippers and a pink rabbit ear headband, dressed in a short high-waisted jeans and a singlet. With her red hair reflecting the color of the sunset, Sadie was every bit the beauty. "Hii." She waved happily.

I smiled as we hugged. One of the men standing guard at the entrance, collected my bag and helped me carry it in. "You didn't tell me you lived like a princess." Sadie shrugged. "Well, I am a Cresswell. What can I say?"


Hours later, after dinner and doing a bit of reading on simulations. Sadie wanted to tell me about everything including some boy crush she had. So I decided to drop work and take a walk with her in the forest, while two of her security men followed a few feet behind. As she rambled on, I listened, and laughed at all the gossip.

According to her, Howard was back in school but had to repeat a year and I was so grateful that he was now in my past. "Although, there is a rumor going around that he's not really that mentally stable yet so people are avoiding him."

My smile faded I at that.

"What is it?" Sadie asked, concern lacing her voice.

"I didn't know I hurt him that bad." I replied, as I kicked a pebble on the ground. "I was just trying to teach him a lesson. I had no intention of ruining his life."

Sadie moved closer to me and bumped my shoulder. "Hey. You did nothing wrong. He was bullying you for years. You fought back and because of you Lycantide High now has a reign of peace. The King and Queen of Bullies are no longer in power, thanks to you." She beamed, and then she frowned. "Speaking of, Bessie invited me to a party next week. She said she wanted to make up and be friends."


I raised a brow at that. Do you believe her?"


scoffed. "Not one bit. So I'm not going."

"Wise choice." I bumped her shoulder.

"What about you? Anything exciting in your life?"

"Huh?" I glanced at her and scratched my neck, then we got to a fallen tree and sat down. "Other than training, nothing else."

"No cute guy you like?"

I blushed harder, as my hand instinctively went to the moonstone pendant. Wait, why did I do that? I don't like Prince Theon, do I? I better not.

"No. Not really." I shook my head, clearing my throat.

"That's sad." She said, "You deserve someone who likes you and cares about you and buys you flowers or cooks you food."

My mind instantly went to Prince Miro and his surprise dinners in my locker. "What does it mean if a guy cooks for a girl? Hypothetically, I mean."


e's eyes brightened. "Then he really likes her. Guys don't do stuff for girls they don't like unless she's his sister. Again, he has to like her to cook for her." I thought about her words and swallowed. Does that mean Prince Miro likes me? Í shook my head. He was an a*** today. He definitely doesn't like me. Want to go for a run


"What?" I blinked, but Sadie was already removing her shoes and the moment she did that, the security men turned their backs..

"Night run. You down?"

"Oh." I blinked. "I can't shift yet."

Sadie gave me a sympathetic look. "What does that feel like?

"Like trying to force a poop that won't come out. The urge is there but it just won't come out."

Sadie scrunched up her nose. "That's disgusting."

I smiled sadly and shrugged in reply.

"Fine, can you at least run as yourself?"

"That I can do."

we went under the fallen tree and walked about half a mile away from security before Sadie decided she was comfortable to strip. Afterwards, she went behind a tree and when she came out, I saw a medium sized brown wolf with white patches as tall. as my midriff. She came to me, rubbing her fur against mine as she circled me and then a memory came to me, I was ten. It was my second time transforming into my wolf. I was surrounded by kids my age and even older. They began to laugh at me and throw stones at me. I became angry and when a big kid had used an electric wand to electrocute me, I lashed out. Oct 28



Sadie barked, bringing me out of my memory and I realized I was keeping her waiting. So, I joined her and together, we ran through the woods for what seemed like an hour. Despite being in human form, I managed to be the first to get back to where we first started, so I waited for her to come back but then ten minutes passed and I still hadn't seen her. "Sadie!" I called, checking the path I came through and when I didn't see nor hear her, I began to worry. "Sadie, where are you?"


I was greeted by silence, but suddenly I felt like I wasn't alone. I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around the dark woods and immediately had the urge to get out of there. An itch started from my neck and travelled to my spine and it made me get that urge to shift again. I rubbed my neck, suddenly sure I wasn't alone in the woods, so I called out for Sadie one more time and when I didn't hear an answer, I decided it was best to find her security. The moment I turned, I found Sadie right behind me and my heart almost left my

"Right here!' She chirped and laughed. "Got you!"


"Sadie, that was not funny. I thought something happened to you!" I said, and when my eyes fell on her naked body, I averted them and turned my back on her.

Sadie laughed as she got dressed behind me. "I'm at home, Ryn. Nothing bad can happen to me."

Just then, I noticed something shifting in the dark distance, and all the hairs behind my neck stood up. "Sadie?" I called but she was rambling on. I took a step back, my heart hammering. I could see the thing moving in the shadows, so big I had to raise my head. "Sadie?!" "Yes? Then it turned to look our way and I saw its red blazing eyes.noveldrama

"Oh my gods, is that?" Her voice trembled.

"Yes." I said, blindly grabbing for her hand as I moved backwards. "Run!"

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