Twist Of Fate: Three Little Miracles

close To Get Caught

Her heart thudding, she dropped her hands to the hem of her own shirt and pulled it off over her head. She wished she’d worn a more exciting bra-this one was plain white cotton-but when she looked up again at Mark’s expression, the thought evaporated. His lips were parted, his eyes nearly black; she could see herself reflected in them and knew he didn’t care if her bra was white or black or neon green. All he was seeing was her.

She reached for his hands, then, freeing them, and put them on her waist, as if to say, You can touch me now. He tilted his head up, her mouth came down over his, and they were kissing again, but it was fierce instead of languorous, a hot and fast-burning fire. His hands were feverish: in her hair, on her body, pulling her down so that she lay under him, and as their bare skin slid together she was acutely conscious that there really was nothing between them but his jeans and her bra and panties. She tangled her hands in his silky, disheveled hair, holding his head as he kissed down her throat. How far are we going? What are we doing? a small part of her brain was asking, but the rest of her mind was screaming at that small part to shut up. She wanted to keep touching him, kissing him; she wanted him to hold her and to know that he was real, here with her, and that he would never leave. ‘But he has a fiancé?’ a thought sprang up and another shouted at it ‘shut up! What do you know!’

His fingers found the clasp of her bra. She tensed. His eyes were large and luminous in the darkness, his smile slow. “Is this all right?”

She nodded. Her breath was coming fast. No one in her life since she got pregnant with her now little three rugrats, had ever seen her topless-no boy, no man, anyway. As if sensing her nervousness, he cupped her face gently with one hand, his lips teasing hers, brushing gently across them until her whole body felt as if it were shattering with tension. His long-fingered, callused right hand stroked along her cheek, then her shoulder, soothing her. She was still on edge, though, waiting for his other hand to move back to her bra clasp, to touch her again, but he seemed to be reaching for something behind him-What was he doing?

Diana thought suddenly of what her kids usually says about being careful. Oh, she thought. She stiffened a little and drew back. “Sir, I’m not sure I-” but the moment only got intensified.

She felt the brush of his lips, light at first, and her own opened automatically beneath the pressure. Almost against her will she felt herself go fluid and pliant, stretching upward to twine her arms around his neck the way that a sunflower twists toward light. His arms slid around her, his hands knotting in her hair, and the kiss stopped being gentle and became fierce, all in a single moment like tinder flaring into a blaze. Diana heard a sound like a sigh rush through the room, all around them, a wave of noise, but it meant nothing, she was lost in the rush of her blood through her veins, the dizzying sense of weightlessness in her body.

Mark’s hands moved from her hair, slid down her spine; she felt the hard press of his palms against her shoulder blades-and then he pulled away, gently disengaging himself, drawing her hands away from his neck and stepping back. For a moment Diana thought she might fall; she felt as if something essential had been torn away from her, an arm or a leg, and she stared at Mark in blank astonishment-what did he feel, did he feel nothing? She didn’t think she could bear it if he felt nothing.

Mark wanted to stop but everything in him, every ounce in him didn’t wanted to and same explanation goes for Diana.

He looked back at her, and when she saw the look on his face. He held her gaze for a split second, then looked away from her, the muscles in his throat working. His hands were clenched into fists at his sides. But then Diana charged at him again, kissing him desperately , likewise Mark…

He bent over again to kiss her, cupping her face with his free hand. Their lips touching again, lightly at first, and then with a stronger pressure. It was at precisely that moment that Owens threw open the bedroom door and stepped out into the room.

He was blinking and tousle-haired and, he could see well enough. “What the hell?” he demanded, so loudly that Mark leaped away from Diana as if her touch burned him.

“Grandpa! What are you-I mean, I thought you were-”

“Asleep? I was,” he said. The tops of his cheekbones had flushed dark red through his tan, the way they always did when he was embarrassed or upset. “You seem to forget I’m a militant and always aware of my surrounding”…..

Owens walked out of the room slamming the door behind and Mark followed him up. Luckily, Owens paid attention to his explanation…. Starting from how Diana got attacked and down to where he caught them…..

“She is hurt and the both of you were still tryna make out huh?”

Afterwards Mark took Diana back to her abode and stepped up the security there. And luckily for Diana her kids were still fast asleep. They’d only wake up to find out their mum had gotten attacked by someone and slightly got hurt.

Hannah woke up relatively late that morning….. Unsure of whether her plan went well that last night…..

She is mastermind of what happened last night, she manipulated an officer to attack Diana last night….

Her ulterior aim was to just get rid of Diana for good…..

She was not so good at framing people for crimes they didn’t commit, but she had B planx, peradventure plan A doesn’t work and it was to ensure she manipulates someone to frame Diana that she may earn execution or expulsion from the military base.

Meanwhile back at the president general ward…. Owen kept quiet as he watched Mark showed how mad he was….

“Richarlison….. Check the CCTV footage… Fish out who attacked Diana last night immediately….” Mark ordered with annoyance. (How could someone be attacked under the military base? And not just someone!) Mark clenched his fist angrily.

“And lock all the exit! No one escapes” Mark added.

“Sir Yes, Sir! ” Richarlison responded and stepped into action and orders were being followed.

Meanwhile, the news of Diana getting attacked last night had spread like wildfire all through the base, even Hannah received the news and got enraged that her plan however were futile. ‘she did not die! Hmmmp! Foolish officer! And now he may get caught and would most likely implicate me… How do I save my skin?’

“I have found the person sir and I have ordered for his arrest!” Richarlison reported. It took him over half an hour to figure out who attacked Diana last night. He checked all the surveillance cameras and only one managed capture the figure while hitting Diana on the head. He was dumb to not have worn a mask to at least cover his tracks.

“Sound the alarm. Every military officer should arrive at the central field in 2 minutes time. Except the national guards at Diana’s abode. I’ll be with you shortly” Mark rasped.

Two minutes later, every military officer in the base were gathered at the central field of the military base all anticipating the kind of brutal death the betrayal would have.

At the large podium, the military officer who infiltrated the act was tied up in a cross like Jesus Christ of Nazareth during his persecution. The cross was rooted down on the middle of the execution podium. The betrayal had been striped of his uniforms and was not left with an underwear.

Meanwhile, Hannah had placed a call over to Jake explaining the situation at hand to him. Jake was enraged that if he implicates Hannah, his whole years of planning would be in vein. To avoid that, he instructed Mudryk, the G-5 leader to infiltrate and eliminate the betrayal before he confesses, when he is asked to.

Sooner, Mark arrived with the ex-communicando at sat on the majestic chairs behind the large podium.

Then Richarlison walked up to the podium and spoke loudly, actually it was a question ” What do we do to betrayals?”

“We make their blood clot in thier vein and feed them to the vultures and use their skulls to Sally the ship on” the loud voices of the soldiers echoed more like thunder.

“Awumen oooo!” Richarlison shouted immediately they responded.

“Possess them all!” The soldiers replied loudly.

“Today, we shall witness what happens to a betrayal… kalansa kalansa; the gods love those who die young!” Richarlison said and drop dead silence befell the central field. He turned to seek permission from the president general and with a nod he was given a go ahead.

In a jiffy, a skull executioner came on board the podium with a very large, long and very sharp axe that was painted with the colour red.

Most junior officers found this horrible event that was unfolding terrifying but they had no option but to witness it. The event sure would be dreadful but none of the junior officers in training would dare close their eyes or exit the central field as they’d be killed if caught and secondly they’re being trained to kill. Why then would they avoid witnessing killing events?noveldrama

“For the evil you fail to destroy now might Tanana come destroy you tomorrow. So, let’s brute anchor and merry till we reach our final destinations!” With that said the skull executioner walked up to the betrayal tied to the cross and loosed him and wore a mask with no no hole to breath over him.

He pushed the betray unto a table that was just two metres away from the floor and he placed his head vertically on it. Meanwhile, the soldier- betrayal was pleading for mercy.

With a wave of the president generals hand, the skull executioner who was about to cut the betrayals head off paused and removed the mask covering the betrayals head.

Mark walked up the podium and asked the terror stricken soldier – betrayal – “Who sent you?” Mark was a very thoughtful person. He thought, if someone sent him then it won’t stop at his dead and Diana would still be in grave danger and if it was his own decision, then it’s an end for him.

As the soldier was trying to gather breath and confess and implicate throne who had pushed him to his death – a sharp needle from nowhere swiftly pierced through his brain and a blood started to Gush out mercilessly.

“Who the hell did that?” Many soldiers swept their gaze around to figure out who did it. But, all to no avail.

Hannah exhaled a breathe she thought she would not be holding when she witnessed that. The only person who could implicate her is dead. She had gotten tensed and worried when the president general walked up the podium and asked the betrayal ‘Who sent him?”

She had her heart in her throat before now and the cold sweet that broke was being wiped off with an handkerchief.

Richarlison was dumbstruck witnessing the whole event and as a mercenary, he had been to a lot of battles and came back Victorious. He was able to observe that the betrayal tilted his head and stared at Hannah who sat close to Owens by the left ( Mark to him by the right.) Now, for him that was something to pounder on.

“Deploy a search party!” Mark roared, his anger had doubled.

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